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Live Free or Die with a HARD ON

Yep, as the rather incospicious title of this blog suggests, I just saw the latest (and presumably last by what Bruce Willis is saying) Die Hard movie.

In short, it's actually pretty darn good. And you have to think about this: Rating standards for movies in recent years has gotten down. What may be a PG-13 movie right NOW could very well be an R-rated something like 15 years ago. So yes there are still the famous lines like "YIPPEE-KY-YAY, mutha(*#$&%" before people get their brains blown out.

Among other things, my grandmother is getting older, but none the wiser. Way to go. :D

I need to upgrade my PC badly...this is rediculous that 2 games I really want for it (BioShock and UT3) want stupid high requirements. Just about met almost all of em except for processing power, GADAMMIT!!!