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Mo pain, no gain....

Eep. I'm beginning to really REALLY dislike one of my classes...if not cause of the constant callings from my group members.

Ooohh...I can't wait for UT3. Unless if the Gamestop store in my town is lying, I should expect to get the game this coming Friday, which will be beyond awesome.

Played through the Call of Duty 4 demo. I was surprised to see that it ran at a SOLID framrate with damn good graphics to boot on my machine. If I had a better setup, who knows...

As a result of PC game influences, I haven't been spending much time on my PS2 as of late. Hell, I am only like halfway trough Final Fantasy 12 yet had stopped playing like months ago.

Blues Brothers is an awesome movie. So is DVD Decrypter. (heheheheheheh)