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Nards....and they iitch

Yeesh. Bored out of my mind and I want to take a nap so badly. At least I got my cash in, but I'm gonna splurge less until I snag a bit more.

Aside from that, nothing out of teh ordinary. Thinking about getting a processor upgrade for this hunk of junk. Finally got a new Motherboard wiith processor, but roommate who sold it to me didn't know ("forgot" he said) that it was a 2.4 GHz, NOT the 3.4 I was promised. So yeah, false advertising. Should've hooked it up to a monitor first and THEN tested it out. Currently, what I got is not much faster than my original processor, but meh, at least my comp stopped rebooting itself randomly.

Good thing I got those little static baggies.

Oh yeah. Power Rangers and Sailor Moon pr0n.

Eh, nevermind.