Well...maybe not. But still tasted good.
Good news: My summer semester is almost over. Bad news? Heh, I still need to turn in like 2 assignments before my GPA goes down the drain. But hey, not as bad as some people I've talked to (is it TRULY possible to have a GPA at .25 ?!)
In other news, Final Fantasy 12 is kicking my balls. Too addictive. This is what I get for not playing an RPG in a loooong time.
As of this post, been trying to spread the word of TRUE hardcore stuffs at the Fighting Game Union. I don't care who sees this post, I want more serious topics in there. I hardly see anything strat or tourney (or hell, even TOURNEY VIDEO) related, yet a LOT of what-if topics and character wish-list mess. I've seen too many of those in other places such as Gamefaqs (and other forums look down on such small talk). Oh well...mostly mainstreamers I guess (but this is MY opinion...seems the owner of the FRU has more brains than the rest).
Nothing else of importance. I need an eye operation...