Dang, I love the Internet. What better place to gain popularity by posting angry blogs that stir up emotions, yet completely fall apart when exposed to logic? "Logic is for p******" (Angry Video Game Nerd quote, for the record)
Here we have a stellar example of such a blog post on GS's soapbox today in a complaint about the Wii. Since I know that my post is inevitably going to be downrated and thus ignored due to the utterly stupid comment rating system GS has implemented, I'll post my rebuttal to that blog and the subsequent comments here:
"Remember the Dreamcast? The console that the hardcore gamers loved but the casuals passed over in favour of the PS2? Yeah, a load of good targeting core gamers did Sega. Remember the Gamecube? The console that was more powerful than the PS2 yet still ended up being a target of derision? Obviously Nintendo realized they couldn't win by targeting the fickle so-called "hardcore" gamers.
Heck, this blog is perfect proof. People have been clamouring for a Mario Galaxy sequel, another Metroid game, and a "true" Zelda Wii game constantly and then when they finally announce it? All people do is b**** about them. Yeah, "true" Nintendo fans indeed. There's no such thing as a true fan.
And seriously, Shigesato Itoi has stated that he has no intentions of making a Mother 4. Breath of Fire was developed by Capcom and Eternal Darkness was developed by Silicon Knights, so obviously Nintendo isn't responsible for those franchises. Skies of Arcadia is a Dreamcast port developed by Overworks and published by Sega. Bomberman? Have you heard of Bomberman Blast for WiiWare? A console Pokemon RPG? Yes, because those have been well-received by gamers in general. And heck, they gave us a new Punch-Out!! game and you lot are still unsatisfied.
Finally, no one makes you play shovelware but yourself. If you insist on focussing on that rather than good games such as Zack and Wiki and Little King's Story, that's your problem. Where were you "hardcore" gamers when those came out?"
I would have written more but the 1500 character limit prevented me from going further. Mind you, I do agree with the general sentiment that Nintendo has been getting lax this year, and the GS Wii boards tend not to dispute that, but I really get annoyed at how those so-called "true" Nintendo fans constantly whine about everything.
And drat, I forgot to mention Sin And Punishment 2 somewhere.