I semi-promised myself that I would not use this blog for anything except video game related material, but something recently came to my mind that I felt had to be posted here. Something I am surprised that no one has brought up.
I am referring to the infamous response by Miss South Carolina (Caitlin Upton) to a question about why 20% of...er...residents of the U.S.A.can't locate their country on amap. At first I chuckled along with the mob,but your brain does funny things on MOB(TM). Then I realized that it was very strange for the mob to be laughing at the "U.S. Americans" remark. "How dare she call us U.S. Americans! Doesn't she know that we control the entire continent?"
U.S. foreign policy jab aside, apparently a lot of people living in the U.S.A. don't realize that America refers to the entire continent, not just their country. After all, people living in South America have to call themselves Latin Americans, not to mention the residents of India have to be referred to as East Indians after some European got America and India mixed up, so why not U.S. Americans? Wait, I know. U.S. Americans sounds awfully tacky. Well, in that case, I suggest that the U.S. change its name.
Honestly, after 200 years, the world's most powerful nation could not come up with anything better for a name than United States of America. For being so great, they sure are unimaginative when it comes to naming, resorting to stealing European city names (New York, New Orleans) and the continent's name for their country. I mean, the rest of us...er...Americans have found better ways to distinguish ourselves already (Canadian, Mexican, Cuban, Venezuelan, etc). Personally, I'm impartial to Freedonia, but that's not my decision.
Interestingly enough, I recently checkeda British newspaper blog entry and they found nothing offensive with the "U.S. Americans"term, let alone the entire first sentence of the response (the site can be found here, and it is a more intelligent discussion of the issue and its implications than the idiotic responses on YouTube). And yes, the second sentence of the response was incoherent, but apparently since so many...er...U.S. Americans can't distinguish their country from their continent, it brings to mind thefamous "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones." anecdote.