Wii really is! Check out Gamespot's Wii reviews and compare them to PS3's reviews. Overall, Wii has the highest score at 8.8 (Twilight Princess), compared to PS3's highest score at 8.6 (Resistance: Fall of Man). Also, I bothered to average the review scores all out, and Wii has an average of 7.08 for 12 games while PS3 has an average of 6.94 for 14 games. It's too early to figure out the final average, but that implies that Wii has a better launch lineup than PS3! Besides, Wii has a wider variety launch than PS3, due to new ways to play rather than the same old FPS's and sports, at a lower price! I can only imagine how Wii will turn out, but based on the launch and the Nintendo DS's success, it's going to be awesome, and Nintendo's coming back! The DS was just practice. Now, prepare for a Revolution.
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