hohohooo!! that looks serious, talk about a blood bath. I got a friend who I dam near slapped for disrespecting NG talkin bout i cant play this after i played god of war 2 cause its not as brutal (wich is true in some ways, kratos gets down sometimes but really only when you play the lil cinematic button pushing thing) so I can't wait till he sees this..and from what i see thats awesome that they traded mutated monsters with claws to ninjas with claws, monster bosses will always be awesome in NG but i like fighting against the ninjas, some monsters is cool too i guess though. and after seeing body parts getting cut off in the pics, Imagine the combos, I bet with those new claws ryu has he's gonna be doing some brutaly horrible things to his enemies with those..No ryu, please don't roundhouse his head off with your foot claws, stop it
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