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Demon's Souls

Okay, so I remembered a very important game that I did not mention. DEMON'S SOULS! Okay for those reading, no matter how few there are, this is seriously an amazing game. I'm not sure I agree with it being GOTY, however, in some respects I would agree with that. I have reviewed this game so for those desiring a somewhat more in depth review you can go look there. But for the purpose of a blog that isn't ungodly long. Anyway, the story of the game is somewhat lacking, and the ability to explore is definitely left something to be desired. However, as far as gameplay, sound, look, enemies, armor, etc... is concerned, this game is definitely one of the best in a long time.

Yea so it's difficult. God forbid you have to be GOOD at a game... you have to plan, stratagize, prepare, and properly execute... is that REALLY so much to ask of a player. If you ask me, the difficulty is one of the best things about this game. If you really try your best and you beat the game, you will feel far more pride for what you have done than you will for any other game at least in a long time. Seriously though, in order to beat this game you need to be smart, cunning, quick, and a little bit of a glutton for punishment.

Remember that "You're dead" screens you got in Resident Evil. Well it's the same here but it's "You Died" and you're gonna get it WAAAAY more often. Also you're gonna do the same maps quite often. However, there is much to do, discover, and best of all KILL. I strongly suggest anyone who owns a PS3 to get and beat this game at least once... oh yea, forgot to mention that after you beat it you get to do it again, but you keep all your cool equipment... and everything is INFINITELY harder! lol! It was awesome surprise to be beafed out in gear and get killed by the first trash you see... LOL! Anyway, that's my rant on demon's souls... I'm sure I'll think of more games later! Have a good one!


Wow it has been forever since I last posted... and I'm ashamed that the last post was of a MOVIE... lol... not even a game. I will try my best to catch up... In no particular order or anything like that I'm just gonna write about my favorite games since the last time I posted... which is quite a long time and therefore going to be hard and I'm definitely going to miss some.

First, since I just got done playing it, I want to mention Killzone 3. Haven't finished it yet but I'm totally in love with it. It's a fantastically beautiful game! Not to mention the fact that I think it is one of the most enthralling FPS's in a LONG... LONG TIME... Yea it's story is kinda corny but watch any Arnold Schwarzenegger flick and you'll see an equally (if not more so) corny story... but at least there IS a story... It may not be Academy Award worthy but other shooter games i've played have basically NO story at all! *COUGH*gearsofwar*COUGH*... (Sorry i'm just a little bitter since i was so disappointed with that game)... Killzone 2 was awesome as well... Just throwing that out there.

Next I have to mention WoW: Cataclysm since I do play it quite a bit. Gonna be honest with this one, kinda miss Wrath already but I'm sure after a few patches and new content releases It may be worth it... not much else to say... if you play you know what's going on... if you don't play, there is NO way i'd even be able to try and explain... lol.

Final Fantasy XIII was kinda a let down like I expected it to be. It looked beautiful and the story was decent... just the gameplay didn't feel like an FF game at all... didn't feel like an RPG really when I think about it... but generally I was entertained so it's not a huge fail.

Gotta mention Heavy Rain... that game was surprisingly VERY entertaining. Loved it quite a bit... Graphics were well done and the fact that it was basically like an interactive movie in which the ending was manipulated by the smallest of choices made in the game made it very replayable which is a big thing for me... lol.

Got into the Mass Effect series... LOVED THEM! If you haven't played well that's blasphemous and you need to go out and get both 1 and 2 RIGHT NOW... the games are amazing... (See now that's a shooter with a great story!)

Well that about does it for my recap... unfortunately that's all i can really think of at this moment. If i think of another that i remember and it warrants its own post I'll do another... but i would like to mention soon to come games that I've become really excited for. Uncharted 3 is a big one! Loved the first two and I really wanna play the third... looks pretty good... Elder Scrolls 5 is shaping up to be a great game! Was too impressed with the first one but the demo for Dragon Age II was quite good. There were a few for the computer (other than Mass Effect 3... WOOT) and a few on the PS3... OH, as dumb as i feel saying this, i'm kinda interested in the PS Move... but prolly not enough to actually go buy it... lol...

Well that does it for now... I'm sure I'll find something to chat about quite soon enough... sorry to any subscribers who have not been sufficiently entertained by me... lol... not that any of you really care i'm sure... LOL! But i'm back... have a GREAT day to all!

The Dark Knight!!!

I just got back from the Dark Knight and I will tell you it was a breath of fresh air... for over 2.5 hours, not a single video game thought or any other thought crossed my mind... I was completely enthralled and I have never before, and I fear I may never again, be as entertained as I was tonight...

This is the best Batman movie to date... the best comic-book movie to hit the screen... It was amazing... don't get me wrong... In all honesty, the X-Men and Witchblade are my tw favorite comic book series to read and I loved Iron Man and some of the X-Men movies were quite good. Batman Begins was awesome and Superman Returns was great... but this movie just takes the cake... I'm not even sad Heath Ledger died... He gave us one the greatest performance of acting EVER! In the entirety of movie history! I even went with high expectations and all of them were crushed, demolished, and completely annihilated...



I hope everyone enjoys it at least half as much as I did... that would make this the best movie in years... which it is that and more... go see it... you wont be upset...

I'm no Fanboy... just for your information...

Okay, this is for ALL of you who will read a post of mine in a forum and come here...
I AM NOT A FANBOY!!! (Not of any consoles at least)
If you want, I will send you a picture of all the came systems I own. I have an Atari, the ORIGINAL Sega, The first Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Playstation 2, Gameboy Advanced, Xbox, Gamecube, and XBOX 360. That's it... I hope to soon get the PS3 however.
But I'm only a fanboy of the GAMES themselves. I love EVERY Zelda game, Mario Rules. Final Fantasy IS the best series! Metal Gear Solid is awesome! It goes on and on! The only reason why I own 360 is for Halo (it's the only good game coming out!). The only reason for PS3 is for MGS4 and FFXIII. I don't care what system it is, I just prefer the games themselves. If xbox makes a good game, rarely (halo), i'll play it. If PS3 makes a good game, rarely (MGS4, FFXIII), then I'll play it.
However, I will stick to the facts that I am aware of! If i know something or have a personal experience with something, I WILL share it! If it makes me seem Playstation bias, so be it. If it makes me seem MS bias, oh well! I don't care about the systems themselves, I care about the FACTS! If the fact is that MS is doing something stupid (often) I will call MS on it (360 Elite, "extended warranty"). If Sony does something stupid (often) I will call them on it (Delayed release and loss of exclusives). But in no way do I consider myslef partial to a SYSTEM, only the GAMES.
There are things I like about both systems. They both have thier pros and cons. So all you people who are OBVIOUSLY biased, next time you accuse someone of saying something becasue they're just a "fanboy" you might want to look in a mirror considering YOU just might happen to be a FANBOY as well...
YES there IS such a thing as a 360 FANBOY! This place is riddled with them! (More than PS3 fanboys I BELIEVE)

Console War??

Okay... I will most likely get hung for this as just about any who reads this will most likely NOT agree but feel for some reason that I give a damn what they think... but here it goes.
Niether of the systems are ANY good (right now)!
Now before you all burn me at the stake listen to this...

XBOX360:Yeah this has great graphics and many "exclusives." However, there are very few GOOD games. Read my review on Gears of War, that pretty much covers it's best seller. There are very few games out now, or even coming out, that I'm even interested in! Of course there's Halo 3. But after I beat that a million and one times... Then what? Nothing... After that I will have nothing left to play on 360. Devil May Cry... WAS good. the first one. Every game after that had a poor story line and the action was ALL the same! So some of the 360's best sellers and most anticipated games are of little to no interest to me! The only thing that the 360 really has going for it is Online... a feature that I have NO INTREST in! I really don't feel like paying 60 bucks for a game to pay an additional cost to play it online! No thank you! I my 360 has been reduced from a "next generation" console system to a measly 500 dollar DVD player.

Wii:Yes the Wii is extrememly innovative, fun, enjoyable, and cheap. However, when I play video games, it's usually 2 or 3 in the morning and I'm by myself. I really don't have ANY desire to be dancing around like a fool! The Wii is only really fun when in groups of people to hang out with. Also not my **** I reserve game time for me! If I'm hangin out with someone, or a group of people, I have better things to be doing than playing videogames. Also there are no good games out for the Wii... bar Zelda... but I can get that on the Gamecube. The Wii has nothing to offer me in the ways of video games, just physical activity. Plus the graphics engine is really not that great. Coming out with a system in which the only real advancement is the controller? Sounds like a mere ploy to make more money... Sorry Nintendo, I'm not bitting your bait! (And I am a big Nintendo fan! I have EVERY nintendo console!)
PS3:The PS3 is the only POTENTIAL in the whole lot... and it keeps messing up left and right! I HOPE that Sony and the PS3 can pull it out in the end... but I doubt it! However, I spent 500 dollars on a DVD player that you all call a game console (360) I figure I can spend another 500 dollars on a Blu-Ray player. But still, the six-axis controller is a great idea, and I still believe that, from what I have seen, the PS3 is a better machine, I just don't think that many people will see that and it most likely will go nowhere. However, at this point in time, PS3 is still quite Stagnant... I hope they pull through, I want them to pull through, only because I see them as the only real potentially good console system.

There, I said it! But berfore you go commenting or on any kind of "rant," let me remind you that these are simply my opinions, and if you don't agree and think one (or all) of the afformentioned consoles is REALLY GOOD, and a WINNER... Than I'm happy for you... I haven't found that and I can only hope that one of them does prove it to me, or that the next line of "Next-Gen" consoles are MUCH better than these! 

PS3 and it's troubles!

Okay... yes the PS3 is having problems right now... but... as far as I can remember, PS2 had problems, gamecube had problems, so did XBOX and 360. Every system has some minor defects. However, I know plenty of people who own a PS3 and have no problems with it! Not to mention the fact that PS3 DOES look better and with Blu-Ray, games will be BETTER! I don't care what anyone says... yeah the first few games will be mediocre, but look at the early PS2 games and some of the more recent. Like compare Final Fantasy X with Final Fantasy XII... XII looks SOOOOO much better! Just imagine what PS3 will be able to do in a year or so... it will be breathtaking. So with graphics in the bag, the only people can complain about is the defects of the system. However, last time i checked console's came with a warranty... so if anything is not working, you can get it fixed FOR FREE!!! so what''s the big deal? I don't get it. Everybody is jumping down Sony's neck way to quickly! I think most people just can't think for themselves and they hear all these bad things and they just jump on the band wagon. Or they are hardcore Wii/360 fans that just don't want the PS3 to do good. Whatever. There is NOTHING that will stop me from getting the PS3 once I get enough money... and I will enjoy it and laugh and all of you who just jump on the band wagon and are missing out on one of the most advanced consoles on the market! You can disagree with me all you want, but i'm going to CNU to get a major in computer engeneering and just by specs alone... PS3 has more power and ability than both the 360 and the WIi... you can argue with me all you want, but I've got 4 doctors/professors of computer science who can back me up... so unless you have a PhD in computer science, you don't have anything on these people! People need to just try things out and live a little instead of just joining the crowd and trying to be cool. Give the PS3 a chance before you bad talk it!