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Wow it has been forever since I last posted... and I'm ashamed that the last post was of a MOVIE... lol... not even a game. I will try my best to catch up... In no particular order or anything like that I'm just gonna write about my favorite games since the last time I posted... which is quite a long time and therefore going to be hard and I'm definitely going to miss some.

First, since I just got done playing it, I want to mention Killzone 3. Haven't finished it yet but I'm totally in love with it. It's a fantastically beautiful game! Not to mention the fact that I think it is one of the most enthralling FPS's in a LONG... LONG TIME... Yea it's story is kinda corny but watch any Arnold Schwarzenegger flick and you'll see an equally (if not more so) corny story... but at least there IS a story... It may not be Academy Award worthy but other shooter games i've played have basically NO story at all! *COUGH*gearsofwar*COUGH*... (Sorry i'm just a little bitter since i was so disappointed with that game)... Killzone 2 was awesome as well... Just throwing that out there.

Next I have to mention WoW: Cataclysm since I do play it quite a bit. Gonna be honest with this one, kinda miss Wrath already but I'm sure after a few patches and new content releases It may be worth it... not much else to say... if you play you know what's going on... if you don't play, there is NO way i'd even be able to try and explain... lol.

Final Fantasy XIII was kinda a let down like I expected it to be. It looked beautiful and the story was decent... just the gameplay didn't feel like an FF game at all... didn't feel like an RPG really when I think about it... but generally I was entertained so it's not a huge fail.

Gotta mention Heavy Rain... that game was surprisingly VERY entertaining. Loved it quite a bit... Graphics were well done and the fact that it was basically like an interactive movie in which the ending was manipulated by the smallest of choices made in the game made it very replayable which is a big thing for me... lol.

Got into the Mass Effect series... LOVED THEM! If you haven't played well that's blasphemous and you need to go out and get both 1 and 2 RIGHT NOW... the games are amazing... (See now that's a shooter with a great story!)

Well that about does it for my recap... unfortunately that's all i can really think of at this moment. If i think of another that i remember and it warrants its own post I'll do another... but i would like to mention soon to come games that I've become really excited for. Uncharted 3 is a big one! Loved the first two and I really wanna play the third... looks pretty good... Elder Scrolls 5 is shaping up to be a great game! Was too impressed with the first one but the demo for Dragon Age II was quite good. There were a few for the computer (other than Mass Effect 3... WOOT) and a few on the PS3... OH, as dumb as i feel saying this, i'm kinda interested in the PS Move... but prolly not enough to actually go buy it... lol...

Well that does it for now... I'm sure I'll find something to chat about quite soon enough... sorry to any subscribers who have not been sufficiently entertained by me... lol... not that any of you really care i'm sure... LOL! But i'm back... have a GREAT day to all!