For the week of December 29 we I had an interesting time selecting this one. But for this week Ive given it to one of the greatest. From the rise and fall this old boy has seen it all. I have to say this guy I have the most empathy for and will say that it seems that the ones who controle his fate have it in for him. So with out futer adew we give this weeks GCM to......
Height: 3ft 7in Weight:75lbs speed 340 mph.
From 1991 till to day the blue blur has been jetting through levels like no ones business. His games may have slacked off in the past few years and we got served a real **** sandwich in 2006. If your roling around at the speed of sound or just fallowing his rain bow to the down fall of sega you cant help but agree that this old boy was one of the best ever. If you would like to hear more about him tune in next month for when me and Boros lays into Sonic 06. Merry Christmas every body!