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SEGA, why it is the epitome of the Tawagoto wagon.

Ok I have said in a resent review that SEGA is screwing up so bad that it is beyondreproach. Im here to tell you all who took the time to read this that I feal SEGA no longer gives a damn if they make us the consumer happy any more. The fact that they make Crappy sonic game after crappy sonic game just burns me from the inside out. I dont understand it at all. Not only do they make these games but they also are proud of what they have done. In the end of the overly hyped but still not to bad of game sonic generations modern sonic looks back at classic sonic and yells, "Enjoy your future sonic its gonna be great!". Why would any one say that about games like colors, unleashed or sonic 06, DONT EVEN GET ME **** STARTED WITH 06!!!! I dont know why any one would be this platent about their own screw ups. Why man why! I would rather they canned it after sonic adventure two and got on with their miserable lives but no! Lets just put out more crap and rush and or half ass every game that thet produce. I dont understand them any more. **** SEGA!