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Botangirl Blog

I'm back (though I never technically left, I just haven't logged much)

Hi there, yeah, so I've been having a serious issue with privacy which is why I haven't posted or logged on much. My brother hogs the computer at home, I don't have internet on my laptop and schools computers are very iffy. The School library gives you no privacy, the librarians are always making sure you're doing homework. In the computer lab I don't get privacy at times. I get random people looking over my shoulder and reading out loud. Like quite some time ago I wanted to play solitaire and go fig they took it off the school computers. I had one on my flash drive but it was Sailor Moon edition. All of a sudden a kid (or rather a person who was a repeating senior) shouts "Sailor Moon! OH come on!" I don't know when I permitted him to judge what I do on the internet but he seemed welcome. Yeah, that guy annoys me beyond .... a bunch of stuff.

I have randomly posted on forums but at times I'm reading through them and then I see a face next to mine. pretty awkward.

But yeah. If anyone was interested in my marching band career it is not only over but we did sooooo bad! yeah, new teacher, we played oldies and got last place on all except that last competition (3rd out of 4). and for our football team, we made the playoffs but got eliminated by the first game. It was horrible, I love football but even i didn't understand what was going on in the last 30 seconds.

But I am moving on from playing the flute and I am starting to play the oboe. I am sooooo bad at it but hey I started playing for real on the 3rd of this month. Today was my first day playing in class and i was so nervous. then a pad fell of a key and it started playing correctly. I don't get it either. but then I had to play my flute for pep band and I was sooo happy... is that a bad thing?

okay, it's been a while so I don't know what I should post for a while........ yeah, I'll come back soon and put more stuff... bye

happy halloween to all!!!!

yup, sixteen and still trick-or treating! So what better way to start halloween than a proficiency exam! yup while all non-juniors and seniors that passed slept in, i got to test! So.... durng first I get a message from the library saying to come in during nutrition break. Due to proficiencies, there was no nutrition break. I go during lunch and I tied the "guess how many pretzels are in the jar " contest. 73. so I got 30 some pretzel bags. I hate pretzels!!! Yay!! so I'm gonna trick-or-treat with my brother tonight. Happy Halloween to all and to all a scary night

Just my luck

So the first day of school is on the 27th, I got my schedule monday. Funny, most people got it the week before but I was out of the country last week. So, I'm at school for like 40 minutes, waiting to get my schedule. Now, School is where diseases are spread, so everytime I start school, i get sick and stay sick till summer vacation. Well, those 40 minutes of schooltime left me .....SICK!!!! yay, last week of summer vacation and I'm sick!!!! oh well, summer was good while it lasted...

Funny story???? okay

In Mexico last week (yeah that's where I went) my entire dad's side of the family rented a house near the beach. It had a pool in the back too! So when I got there, the pool was white, my aunt put some sort of powder in it. the next day, it was all clear. we were swimming in it all day. At around seven my cousin Libby Looks under and saws "THERE'S A CRAB IN THE POOL!!" Me and my dad understood what she said but everyone else heard "THERE'S CR@P IN THE POOL!!!" So everyone is rumoring that someone went potty in the pool, it took five minutes but finally everyone got that it wasn't a caca but a cangrejo in the pool (we had to use spanish to make them all understand). My twenty something year old cousin got a plastic bag and got it out only to find out that it was dead!!! What a day. :P

It's my birthday!! I'm sixteen now!

yup, and as usual there was some type of birthday episode today :P it always happens. so yeah happy day, and I'm getting a laptop for my birthday! so.... any minute now I'll get one........yup..... oh well, see you soon, I'm off to celebrate.

The countdown begins!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooo, last week I took driver's ed, sooo, look out, I'll be driving in like 6 months (I still haven't gotten my permit). Today, I started summer weights. Now I'm walking funny. :P. well this year I got 24 sessions (Last year it was 19 but longer) so 23 to go. well, I'm gonna be 16 in 8 days. so yes 23 sessions left till the end and 8 days till my birthday. Oh, and I got weights on my birthday :D yes, "Happy birthday, no give me sixteen pushups" well, I'll make it eventually it all ends August 2, then I can focus on my summer assignments :P :P :P :P :P

So during school, one of my teachers was giving us red herring things to solve on the board. we won all minus 1. the second one was an event that happened in actual history. when she's done reading it I shout "OOOHH, I KNOW THIS, I REALLYDO!!!!!!!!" well, I answered it correctly without asking any questions. she shouts "HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS STUFF." I guess she'll think again before asking one about Buzz golfing on the moon in a class where there is an astronomy geek in the class :P :P :P yeah, everybody LOVED her reaction.

Last Day of School!!!!!!!!

Today!!!!!!!!! Now I get to sleep in!!! finally!!!!  I may have pulled my GPA up too!!!! So, my band director is moving so I get a new one next year. Some friends just graduated, and I'm gonna get harder exams next year. Yay high school!!!! okay, wanna hear me reflect on high school? I'll tell funny stories later. :P :P :P summer vacation here I come (and summer school again)



testing year is almost over!!! I got my results for my HSPEs and I passed!!!! yay!!! I won't show off my scores (they're not that great) but yay!!!! I pass!!! next time everyone is taking that test, I'll be sleeping!!!!!!! ha! :P :P :P :P :P

Happy mother's day!!!!!!!

With me being mexican, I celebrate mother's day twice (unless they both land on a sunday). Today is Mother's day in Mexico and on sunday it's mother's day in The United states!!! Yay too bad for my dad ha ha. rock on!!!


I am soooo overwhelmed!!!! Too much school work!!!! but, the thing is, I'm doing a discrimination project and I need sources! I can find practically, nothing on the subject!!!! can you help me??? I'm doing discrimination against mentally disabled people. Please tell me if you've got something.....

yeah all this school work is why i haven't gotten on....

Yay!!!! hurray!!!!

So I saw "Meet the Robinsons" yesterday and I loved it!!!! I am such a Mickey Mouse fan!!! They started it off with a 1938 Mickey Mouse cartoon. They hadn't done that in years!!!! Yay!!!! 

The KCA's are tonight. I had a big fight with my brother (not serious) over Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob. I told him Jimmy needed to win and that Spongebob has won enough but he wouldn't take it!!! I still say that Jimmy needs to win.

So.......... yesterday there was a presentation in my second period by a "technology major." So he starts explaining jump drives. He says that they now have 4 megabyte jump drives that can hole over 100 songs. My response "Our you sure 4 megabytes can hold over 100 songs?" his response, "Yes, it's that big! It can hold so much probably more than...." I cut him off and asked "Are you sure you don't mean gigabytes?" dun dun dun!!!!!! ha :D :D

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