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family guy moment

Do you remember on that episode "Petergeist" when they were in the junkyard looking for the skull? remember how that clerk guy asked if he could help them look for something or whatever and Peter was all "No thanks." Then he was all "God, I hate when they pester you like that" THAT pretty much explains my day! Wow, I went to the music store to buy sheet music. I was looking through the flute music when some lady comes up and says "Can I help you with something?" I said "no." My dad asked my why i said that my response was. "I hate when they pester me like that! Everytime we come here it's the same thing! They won't let me look on my own!" Well, 1 second later that same lady came up to my dad and asked the same thing. My dad tells her that we're looking for piano music! Yes, that is why we came but I knew where to find it! the lady shows us where it is and she follows us there. We go to another room where another lady asks us "can I help you with anything?" My dad agains says that we need piano music. That lady is still behing us. so those to ladies end up asking a buttload of questions like "is it for you?" "how old is he?""Is this one good?" I wanted it to stop but they wouldn't leave us alone! My probably wouldn't have let them leave! In the end I bought to piano books that turned out to be cruddy! i do not want to teach my brother that crud! But I have to because if i tell my dad I want to go again my dad will be all, "what about the other beginner books I bought?" and to top it off it will most likely be the same thing over again! I went back to the flute music and when i was done I looked at the other music and yet another lady asked me "Can I help you with anything?" I just decided to tell her that i was looking for guitar music. She took me there and was all, "Are you looking for anything specific?" Since my dad wasn't there I was , "no." I bought a chord book so I can finally learn how to play my guitar. If I stayed any longer I would have been asked again i swear! My dad gets upset because I always tell those clerks "no" when they ask if i need anything. I am only fifteen and I have had enought of them, I'm surprised a 44 year old man like him hasn't had enough. That music store is the worst I get it in. It happens alot when clerks catch me checking out comic books (not manga but DC comic books). I don't know what it is. I never see any of those clerks pestering people other than me! It's like those clerks don't expect someone who looks like me to know how to play an instrument! Or that they expect someone like me to read comic books. That is either because they think this Mexican girl is Asian in an american comic book section or that I'm a girl! Mind you, I have never been asked if I need help when I'm looking at manga.