So I saw "Meet the Robinsons" yesterday and I loved it!!!! I am such a Mickey Mouse fan!!! They started it off with a 1938 Mickey Mouse cartoon. They hadn't done that in years!!!! Yay!!!!
The KCA's are tonight. I had a big fight with my brother (not serious) over Jimmy Neutron and Spongebob. I told him Jimmy needed to win and that Spongebob has won enough but he wouldn't take it!!! I still say that Jimmy needs to win.
So.......... yesterday there was a presentation in my second period by a "technology major." So he starts explaining jump drives. He says that they now have 4 megabyte jump drives that can hole over 100 songs. My response "Our you sure 4 megabytes can hold over 100 songs?" his response, "Yes, it's that big! It can hold so much probably more than...." I cut him off and asked "Are you sure you don't mean gigabytes?" dun dun dun!!!!!! ha :D :D