I loved the first Gaiden for the Xbox-i loved the combat and the difficulty
But, in Ninja Gaiden two tecmo decided to amp up the difficulty and mess with the camera a little. These are my only to problems with the game. I love all the plentiful boss battles and the bloody battles that take place. Cutting limbs from enemies is just great. More weapons have been added in Ninja Gaiden 2 which only improves on the gameplay and violence.
The AI can be very cheap at times. Sometimes I don't even have a chance against the enemies, The camera is not horrible it just hurts the gameplay a little making it harder to see enemies in important situations. Also, the Environments can be horrible at times but, the bloody gameplay is still great and is definitley worth any gamers time.
P.S.- the story makes about... zero sense
-I still love running on water. So cool and always fun to do.
-The gore is just great. So much blood both red and green.