Of course, when I was at college, this rule was right out. However, once I became a working professional, I found that my personality sometimes came into conflict with my colleagues or my business. Emails sometimes ended up with the wrong connotations, a discussion might have been a bit too casual for a particular situation, and a phone message might have been a bit too familiar. An evening of drinking with the office occasionally resulted in some less than high opinions of yours truly. Let's just say I'm not as well-spoken as I am well-written, particularly after a couple Mai-Tais.
"Don't you 'In a minute, Momma' me!"
Mistakes were and still are made, but the rule has served me well. Those times mistakes have been made were generally when I ignored the rule. I am less aggressive behind the wheel (emphasis on less), I am more polite to friends, family, and strangers, I hold the door, I shake hands, I apologize even when I'm not in the wrong, and I swear a lot less. There is little more embarrassing than having an animated conversation with friends, dropping a casual F-bomb, and realizing that a mother and her child are walking behind you. If this situation doesn't embarrass you, it should.Of course, if your mom is the type to drop an F-bomb herself, you might want to consider using my mom as a proxy.