Blizzard recently introduced a service that allows gamers to chat with each other in-game in World of Warcraft called RealID. The system gets around the issue of gamers playing on separate servers, characters, or different characters; if you log in to any participating title you can chat with your friends, update your status, and view theirs. Diablo III and Starcraft II will also support the service, so I can be slaughtering Dragons while you murder Zerg and we can still chat.
Bozanimal through the ages
What little free time I have for gaming I try to spend in Azeroth. If you are interested in connecting with me via Real ID please:
- Send me a private message using the Gamespot message system
- Include your name and email address
- I will send you my name and email address as well as a Real ID invite when I next log in.
This all assumes I have known you here on Gamespot for awhile. I will not be giving out my name and email to people I don't know well, after all!
Ruby Sanctum (Boz centered)
Given the differences in time zones, server preferences, and factions I have thus far been unsuccessful at connecting with any Gamespot members on more than a platonic level in World of Warcraft, despite attempts by Allicrombie and Donkeljohn to connect. I am hoping to take this to the next level. Second base, if you prefer.
Not yet playing World of Warcraft? Most current gamers such as myself are happy to offer "Recruit-a-friend" services! Send me a whisper - er - private message including your name and email address here on Gamespot and I will send you an invite. Join me and millions of others in the fight to bring peace to Azeroth and Outland. You'll never play another game again.
You may have read about recent issues concerning RealID in gaming news recently. Note that Blizzard has since rescinded its position in response to its customers concerns. Score one for the little guy (or in this case, lots of little guys and gals)!