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Gaming - Free trials are dangerous

When I mentioned to one of my brothers in passing that Dr. Boz (my wife) needed a new laptop at Christmas, he offered the one he was using that day to play World of Warcraft, stating that, "It had been sitting in a closet anyway." The new acquisition inspired me to post one of my recent entries concerning cleaning out an old or new PC, but the fact that World of Warcraft was already installed on the computer got me thinking...

Who's that sitting next to Boz's new warlock?

Day 0 - 12/30/2008 - "Bozanimal has sent you a FREE ten (10) day trial of World of Warcraft." Dr. Boz, we have several days you can actually give it a try between New Year's day and this weekend. Come on, it's free for ten days and if we pay for two months, we get one month of my account free! We've got two PCs now, after all! At worst we have ten free days of playing together, and you can chat to (both brothers who already play) if you create an Alliance character on the Scarlet Crusade server (this will make more sense when you try to log in and create a character).

Day 1 - 12/31/2008 - "Can I make a hot elf that kicks ass?" Dr. Boz eventually decides she wants to try being a paladin due to their survivability, and in order to eventually talk to her brothers who are Alliance, goes for a human rather than an elf. "I can see myself enjoying it for the 10-day trial, but I'll probably be done after that."

(One hour into playtime) "Hey, I got new boots!"

Day 2 - 01/01/2009 - "This hammer is awesome!"

"Hey, there are some herbs I can pick over here, hold on a minute."

Day 3 - 01/02/2009 - Boz is at work and receives a call at about 1:30PM.
"I'm lost."
Boz, "Where are you? Did you get the oil change?"
"The map says I'm at 'Forest's Edge'."
Boz, "Wait a minute, are you playing World of Warcraft?"
"I logged in and went back to the city to train, but the trainer offered the same stuff as the trainer in Goldshire."
Boz, "Hold on, why are you logged in? I'm not playing."
"I wanted to level my sword skill and visit the trainer. I'm trying to get back to the spot we logged off last night."
Boz, laughing now, "Alright, head west to the road, and follow it south to Sentinel Hill; you can log out there. I'll log in and run down there when I get on with you tonight."

Day 4 - 01/03/2009 - Boz, "Honey, I think the babies are crying."
"Well, they're just going to have to wait a minute!"

Day 5 - 01/04/2009 - "I don't think we should attack all four of those orcs."
Boz, "We'll be fine."
"I'm not as good as my brothers, you know."
Boz, "We'll be fine. I'm sending in my Voidwalker, you go for the one I marked 'x'."
(We both die surprisingly fast)
"This is why I'm supposed to lead!"

Day 6 - 01/05/2009 - We discovered yesterday that Drboz was no longer leveling up. Having hit the Level 20 cap on her trial account, we did what any sane person would have done: Started a new character. Now Bozette the Night Elf Warrior needs to level a bit to join my Level 10 Draenei Priestess, who is meanwhile keeping Bozette alive while she levels to enjoy the benefits of the refer-a-friend program.

"You're a chick."
Boz, "Yeah, so?"
"She's ugly."
Boz, "It's my role-play character, and she's evil, not ugly."
"She walks funny."
Boz, "That's because she's a space cow."