I am forever telling people they need to watch what they eat and hit the gym, but I am not always doing so myself. In the hopes of realizing that ambition, I am today starting a six week regimen of muscle building with the hopes of improving my physique, stamina, and overall health. The following exercises - or modifiers thereof - can all be performed in the home with a basic bench using dumbbells (click to enlarge):
This exercise routine was inspired by a feature in the UK edition of Men's Health challenging readers and writers to improve their bodies;the results were impressive. This regimen is for muscle growth, not weight loss. In other words, this is for skinny geeks, not fat geeks.
I have some gym experience, which is important when it comes to lifting form, speed, and knowing my limits. If you are considering starting a workout, you are advised to seek the advice of a trainer or experienced friend to learn proper form and use of equipment.
You cannot separate exercise and diet. However, I already eat really well, thanks to my wife, who is an amazing cook. That said, I will be eating a bit more than normal volume-wise for at least the next six weeks. If you are interested in a muscle-building diet, you might consider the following, inspired by the same Men's Health article referenced above:
Gym Issues
Rule #1 - The other people in the gym are not making fun of you. Everyone is there to get in shape or keep in shape. Nobody will tease you, if anything it will be the opposite.
Rule #2 - Don't start if you cannot continue. Exercise is something that needs to be done constantly and consistently, or your hard work will just turn to flab.
Rule #3 - Surround yourself with encouragement. Without friends and family supporting your workout, you will likely never get to the gym, even if it's a home gym.
Rule #4 - Diet and exercise are inseperable. You will not see improvement in one area without changing the other. Sorry.
Rule #5 - You can seriously injure yourself exercising, particularly if you have a unique health situation. You may need to consult a doctor before beginning any exercise routine.
I'll be taking before and after pictures as well, but I'm not posting them until after the six week period for fear of humiliating myself any more than is necessary.