Weeks 1 and 2
Series Premise
This Geek to Chic mini-series is meant to inspire other users to either start working out or to bring their particular routine to the next level. Already nocoolnamejim has started a mission to improve himself, but I hope all readers will benefit.
Life Events Intrude
Finding out you have triplets en route puts the rest of your life into a sort of vertigo. Despite the news and rush to accomplish a multitude of chores, working out was still a priority I never missed. How?
Substitution - I missed out on a "leg day" last Tuesday due to an increased work load and stress from my personal life. The next day at work I walked over sixty flights of stairs to compensate for missing my workout, effectively beating the beejeezus out of myself in punishment. Not only did I get a great workout, I worked different muscle groups, leading to more effective growth.
Prioritizing - Being in good health and strong enough to care for three babies has been a positive motivator to hit the weights. Since I have started I have already seen improved stamina and strength, it will hopefully allow me to catch up with the little ones once they make an appearance.
Help - My wife has been tremendously supportive both from a time standpoint and a dietary one. She cooks, I clean; and she has been incredible in the kitchen since I started.
Women and Weight Training
Weight lifting is not the exclusive province of men. Every woman should lift weights in addition to their regular aerobic exercise routine. There is a false belief that lifting weights will lead women to become freakishly huge when in reality it increases bone density and defines musculature; think Sporty Spice rather than American Gladiators.
One in eight women will experience osteoperosis (a disease in which bone mineral density is reduced and bone microarchitecture is disrupted), but most do not realize that they reach their maximum bone density in their twenties. Women begin losing bone density by the age of thirty. Pregnancy and menopause accelerate this loss.
To limit the loss of bone density, improve musculature, your cardiovascular system, your immune system, and even your brain, you should include weight training as part of your exercise routine when you are young and continue exercising regularly.
Unless, of course, you are pregnant with triplets, in which case none of this applies to you. Go home, sit on the couch, and eat ice cream until you are good and fat. Focus on gestating.
Changes to Me
With the promise of before-and-after photographs looming and my seeming inability to put on any weight, I grow nervous the differences between my original pictures and final pictures may show little more than additional muscles and rib bones in two weeks. Of course, I know this not to be true since I can already see some improvements, but I will push myself even harder over the next two weeks because I want something substantial to inspire readers.
Growing up a skinny nerd was - and often still is - a huge dent to my ego, and I'm hoping someone in similar shoes is able to take this series and run with it to improve their own self-esteem.