I have noticed that the Soapbox has some peculiarities that you might want to be aware of, if you are not already. It seems as though any article written by a user that has 1 - already garnered the Soapbox emblem and 2 - who marks their article "Editorial", then automatically has that article featured in the Soapbox section of Gamespot. This has meant that some of us "Soapboxers" have been featured repeatedly.
What you may not know is that there have been complaints previously about this very thing from Gamespot users who stopped frequenting the Soapbox because they were sick of the same people all the time (though they were only a small percentage of users). You can also, apparantly, lose the emblem and the privelege. To prevent complaints and increase the value of the Soapbox, I would suggest a measure of self-regulation on our part.
I believe that we might want to avoid posting a new editorial when our current editorial is still featured in the Soapbox section of the site. This will create a steady rotation of new content from an increasing pool of users (as staff select new Editorials), so the same users will not always be on top. It requires little effort: just check the Soapbox to see if you still have an article up. If not, feel free to post a new one.
If you have a time-sensitive editorial (such as commentary on current events) by all means post it. If you simply have a great idea that has no immediate priority, you might want to wait awhile to post it by saving it elsewhere, such as in a Word doc.
This is, of course, only a suggestion. If I have made a mistake, or I am way off-base, drop a comment below.
PMs (Private Messages) have been sent to every user with the Soapbox emblem requesting they view this post for comment: JodyR, weemadando, wootex, laughlyn12, carolynmichelle, Jerell_rast, TheCritic9392, Thraxen, hart704, Baroque-Legacy, Reetesh, acadiascreech, Shifty_Pete, metagnome, yian, Enterprise-E, Draqq_Zyxorian, DJ_Lae, JonathanL, nocoolnamejim, KFrandsen2, U1, yariang, MrCHUP0N, curtrazo, Acepace, Zkeptik, NekoTheSpook, Misfit1119, The_Game21x, Sagacious_Tien, NeoJedi, TheNay-Sayer, Benny_is_here, Soulreavercross, m0zart, Messier75, Link2025, FriedConsole, Gigastormz, JaMeS4418, Nickolai1979, warden72, Cube_of_MooN, dannyodwyer, juradai, WhollyNight, ruff_edgz, ZimpanX, subrosian, DawnBurn, chikahiro94, fishdalf, EarthThatWas, vikingwwu, Donkeljohn, kori911, Hiroki_30303, Bokista, trifuzion
If you know additional users that have the Soapbox emblem that are not listed above, please let them know. Thank you.
*Update* Note that entries marked editorial and submitted in Filmspot or other affiliated CNet sites will appear in the Soapbox for users with the emblem! *Update*