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How to stay motivated - It's about momentum

Hitting them gym after a hiatus is damn tough. Last night was the first night I have worked out since moving into my new house last year.

I refuse to pay pricy gym membership fees, so I put in flooring in my basement - this stuff called Dry Core - and some mats from Target. Suffice to say, with a sound system of PC speakers and an MP3 player, it's as good as any gym.

Too bad it 's been so long since I hit the weights. I felt pretty pathetic benching 60 pound dumbbells and having a tough time. Granted, I'm spindly and 126lbs, but having difficulty benching half my weight was embarrassing for myself.

However, now that I have a dance pad and Stepmania I can get a fun and sweaty cardio workout going before heading to the basement. I highly recommend it as a anti-procrastination tool.

The thing about working out is that you just have to start. Rewarding yourself with a game like DDR, which is actually the beginning of the workout, helps motivate you (or me, at least). The best part is that once you've started, it is easier to keep going. I am hoping that I will be able to keep the momentum up now that I've restarted, and double my bench-press back to my former "ginormous" weight of 120lbs.