For the past couple of years your intrepid writer has taken phone shots of random people in the Boston area that might be considered, well, geeks, nerds, and/or dorks. The original intent was for the Geek to Chic columns that typically appear herein, but once compiled they ended up becoming something entirely different: Geekspotting.
Do not feel bad for these men and women. Their actions and attire were on public display, and therefore they have nobody to blame but themselves! Without further ado...
I am in no way sitting this way to draw attention to myself. This is just SO comfortable.
You know what would go great with this skirt? Spandex capris tights and flats! All men love a girl in spandex capris tights and flats; just look at how beautiful my legs look!
Standing on the subway, eating, and PC gaming. No, he was not holding a handrail and - if you know Boston - this was the Green Line, whose ride is about as smooth and straight as an car with three wheels.
10,000 points if you can name the game on the screen of the blurry, blurry image (click to enlarge blur).
You know what would go PERFECT with my black pants? A black jacket, black shirt, black sneakers, and a black bag. Oh, and white socks.
Leopard print? Really? Leopard print? Has leopard print ever looked good on anything other than a leopard?
Every day working women face the difficult task to carefully construct an ensemble that is professional without crossing the line into sultry, sexy, and/or skanky. How do you know when someone steps over that line? When the subject of the above is a someone other than the gentleman in the center of the frame.
Hey Mario, check out my super-awesome blue and orange backpack! I keep my tricorder and the panties I stole from the laundromat in the front pocket!
Remember what I said about crossing the line from professional to sexy? Forget what I said. Repeat after me: Sexy is good, skanky is bad, except when it's not.