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Trips and Triplets

Bozanimal has not been on vacation, though it might seem that way.

Boz at South Beach

For the past several weeks, he has spoken at a conference, carried anything over 15lbs, driven to the Hospital twice, been to the hospital five times, completed several major projects at the office, cooked dinners, cleaned the house, and done pretty much everything at work and home as his wife is multi-gestating on the bed or couch (as she should be).

Dr. Boz at the Hospital

Some intense pain in the groin caused the first trip to the hospital. Unmentioned in the pregnancy books is a condition called Pubic Symphysis, which, in layman's terms, means that there can be pain for women as pressure is placed on cartilidge in the pubic region. The condition is fairly common, and the babies are not at risk.

Dr. Boz at the Hospital, Again

A little over a week later, now into about the thirtieth week of pregnancy, it appeared that Dr. Boz had elevated blood pressure and high levels of protein in her urine. These can be indicators of Pre-eclampsia, a potentially dangerous condition for both mother and fetuses. Suffice to say: back to the hospital. However, all three of the unborn were moving around - a lot - and appeared healthy, with solid, steady heart rates in the normal range.

Now the Boz family has moved to a stage where the good Doctor has difficulty moving around, and needs quite a bit of help physically and emotionally. Both families have pitched in, and the support has been tremendous. The Boz home is overflowing with baby strollers, holders, transportation, diapers, clothing, and all sorts of toys.

Ah, Business Conferences

This author should like to return to normal blogging and commenting within the blogs of other users, but it may be several months before any sort of normality ensues. The administration apologizes for this period of transition.