Br0ck8's forum posts
after the 360 got all the rts games we got none but now finaly end war is coming to the PS3 WOOOOOT!but WHERES IT GONE !!!all weve seen are pieceses of the 360 version nothing even metioned about the ps3 version ececpt for the fact that its suppost to be coming.i dont even think ubisoft no if theres a ps3 version!If anyone has any information about end war please post and also say if you think end war sould come to the ps3 LOL
i read in a ps3 magazine that company of heros might be coming out on ps3 which i would love since there arent any rts games on the ps3 and my pc cant play all the new ones like conflict and supreme comander.if would like company of heros to come the ps3 post your toughts here
is this update only available in certain reigon because no update starts when i turn on my cod4 and i still cant join online games
i cant wait for home.its something thats never realy been done unless you count world of warcraft or everquest just without weopons and magic with drawfs and elfs but just socilizing.i hope they put a feuture where you can earn money from the mini games to buy new furniture and decorating and pets you know stuff like that.but one question is it free sure i dont have a problem if its about 20 euro but im not paying if its like 60 well if its realy good ill probaly will .post your opinions of HOME.
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