BradHummr / Member

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Hey you! Are you my friend? I want to apologize!

Hey everyone.

It seems everyday when I get on here, you guys have new blogs. I don't get the chance to reply to all of them and when I do, usually they have disappeared from the list of that same person has already blogged again! Now I'm not asking anyone to slow down, instead I'm just going to apologize for not being able to reply to every blog that all of my friends here make. I try to reply to them and will continue to do so, but if I miss yours please do not take it personally! :D

Oh and by the way you people keep me entertained pretty easily. :D So even if I don't have time to comment or have nothing meaningful to say, I usually read every blog before it disappears from the list. Just thought I'd say that because with my school now (long story there....okay maybe not that long, but boring) I have even less time to comment and even now I can't read them all, blah blah guilt started to kick in as I always get replies on MY blogs, which is an unfair trade. Hope you all have a good week. ;)