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BradleyPalermo Blog

LOTS of News + I'm not dead!

well, its been ages since I've been on GS because i have been very busy lately. not only with games but with school (exams happen to be coming up). and no, im not dead. UPDATES:

i have recieved:

pokemon silver

naruto rev 3 (stuck)

M&L 3 (beat)

pokemon rumble (near end)

zelda: spirit tracks (beat)

new super mario bros wii (about half way)

rock band (???)

bettles rock band (???)

and more that I am too lazy to name.

so yeah. in silver i just caught lugia! i ended up using the master ball because i had a 2 HOUR battle with him because he kept was a massive stall war, and i RAN OUT of poke balls so i had to use the master.

in other news...

[spoiler] i am leaving GS because i have lost interest. i bid you all farwell. this blog will be up for 2-3 days. then i will be gone. [/spoiler]

Shipping Realization

dammit! i just realized that by "24 hours" it meant sending it out in 24 hours! since this sliver is from the USA its gonna be at least a week B4 it gets here :( it has to be:

1.sent to a USA post office


3.sent to a CANADA post office


5.sent to me

eBAY rules!

well, my dad let me use his account to bid on stuff (pokemon silver). and so far this is what happened:

1st game: outbid at last second :(

2nd game: current bid WAY too expensive :evil:

3rd game: i press BUY NOW. it said it will be here within 24hours :)

so silver will be coming in the mail soon. i can't wait to time travel. (in silver with glitches of course )

but here's something disturbing:

inside each gameboy cartridge (any game) there is an internal battery that powers the save function and time-based events. if this battery runs dry it is impossible to save. even if you save in the game it is not ACTUALLY saved. the only way to fix this is to pry open the game carrtridge and sodder on a new battery. luckily the silver version i bought said:

"New Battery Recently Installed" :D

well, thats all for now, peace 8)


so I've decided to add pokemon silver (NOT soul silver) to my wish list. why? because in march os 2010 soul silver is coming out, and I'd like to see what exactly I'm getting a remake of. plus it'll be even more fun because I've seen a lot of youtube videos with glitches (NOT with gameshark). I think I'll start with.......

[spoiler] all three :) (because of A Certain Glitch) [/spoiler]

Video Topic Decided

I have decided to do...

BOTH! I shall do 2 videos:

1. An awesome pokemon battle (need volunteer who had my FC)

2. An awesome Brawl match (no volunteer needed)

A few blogs you'll be able to view 'em :)

New Video?

I think it's time I made a new video. But I don't know what to make it off. Anyone got any ideas on hand?