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An unofficial game guide for Oblivion that doesn't cost 30 bucks?

PRIMA Guides, the overall sucky, ****ty online game guide producer.And usually makes extremely sucky-****ty game guides. But for once, and I do mean once cause they've created over 400 different guides and all gotten a 4.5 or less by buyer reviews. And somehow, their The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Official Game Guide does seem to be good.

I bought it after reading nummerous positive feedbacks, and indeed it was for once good. Thing is, unlike BradyGames guides, these things cost 25 to 30 dollar a piece. Kinda a rip off thinking of PRIMA's past. But 450 pages of actual help, it's finally worth it.

BradyGames, they were too late for a deal with BethSoft. PRIMA already bought the rights, and scored off deep behind-the-scenes information such as Precentages, all secrets and a extremely detailed walkthrough the game. I do have to make one statement about PRIMA's writers... They really like to use "Damn" in various sentaces. Unlike the "Crap"-spree BradyGames used to have, PRIMA likes to open the vocabulary of "Catchy-Words" a little bit further. Yay for no-censorship-policies!

Anyway, BradyGames who usually gets the Copyrights trown at them for popular games such as Grand Theft Auto, Halo and other best sellers. But, BradyGames isn't what you can call "indepth" with their guides and reallyuses the lets-get-over-with-it sty.le...

But since I know you couldn't care less, and by this moment you're already slapping your face while saying "Goddamnit man! Get over with it, moron!". I made a little deal with a Printing Shop somewhere in Newark, I dont know where the **** he's located exactly as I spoke to him by phone... Either way, a few copies of the "Uofficial The Elder Scrolls Oblivion Game Guide" for less than 50 bucks. I just didn't told him that the book will become 800 pages plus big...

That's full color, on 0.03cm thick paper. Still, I know you couldn't give a damn about it. But what the hey, I felt like blogging and talking about some guy becoming deaf while we were playing a map called "The Giant Toiletbowl" isn't interesting enough. Well, it is, but that's somethin' for tomorrow you know, acause that dude is the worlds' biggest mother****er. In a good way!

Oh, and he sliced his leg open while playing Far Cry. We we''re playin' and all of the sudden I heard "God ****ing damnit! *glass cracks* ****!!!". For so far I know, he litterally crushed a glass with his bare hands. That'll probally mean no more f-word fests, cause for all I know his hands are filled with tiny bits of glass...

Anyway, since around 7 complete books only will cost me 50 bucks. I will just offer 6 copies free on eBay, cause I just know some idiots are willing to pay.

And, if I made your day even more boring - Mission Succesfull. Beat that mother****er, TOUCHÉ! It'll be somewhat more entertaining tomorrow... Sheesh, it's a blog, not Saturday Night Live. :P

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