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And here I ask you kindly to shut the hell up!

This blog is mainly dedicated to the person who called me an inconsiderate flamboyant badmouther. Quoted directly from Xbox LIVE. No lies. First time I ever heard a guy say inconsiderate, pronounce "flamboyant" flawlessly and actually tag my bastard ass off as a "badmouther".

Tough, at the same time. That guy didn't use a single explicit word. Even when half of our team managed to piss the fella' of so bad, he almost slipped on "dumbass". Which he transformed into "Dee-bass".

Something got me thinking. And that something is the recent skyrocketing in inconsiderate flamboyant badmouthers. God how cheesy is that. Anyway, it really seems as if the stereotypical idiots who harvested the lands of Halo 3 clean from common sense and positive IQ, are slowly leaving the pale, rotten, overcooked, hyped lands of Bungie, to harvest on more common sense, and actual brain-activity in cooler games, like Call of Duty 4, and Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

I've played alot of Call of Duty 4: MW, and alot of Rainbow Six Vegas 2. And holy crap, nine out of ten players I come across are a bunch of stereotypical morons you'd slap on the cheek twice in real life. For instance, to point out what I mean wit stereotypical: Two guys from Portland, Oregon. Seriously acting like two guys from the 'hood. And I do mean, seriously. It wasn't overly obvious, nor trying to be an idiot - They're from Portland, and act like two suburbia fallouts. Wait, correct that - Are.

Okay, I've got to admit. I'm not really a clean mouth.

Hell, if I still lived with my parents, I would've gotten all the bars of soap you can find from New York to Montana shoved down my troat. But I don't cuss for the hell of it. Not that I'm trying to reason my sense of putting the F-word in atleast every sentance; It's not random, or just flatout pointless.

What you hear nine out of ten times is atleast six swear words in a twenty-word sentance. Never positive, either bashing or just being flatout offensive. On a side-note, it's almost shocking how many times Mexicans are dragged into an insult for no apperant reason. Tough, I'm not helping by laughing at everythin'... But I just giggle, or even crack up extremely easy. Comes with life when you're a positive hippie like I am. If you didn't detect the sarcasm, you sir. You suck.

I can worry what I want on whether the cluster**** of idiots we call "Xbox LIVE Headset Maulers" invading GTAIV within three days of the release; That's gonna happen. On a scale twice as large as Halo 3's.

Cause you'll not just have those who feed on logic, and reasoning. You'll be playing with everything. And yes, I do refer to broken-winged politicians, and the insane kind of religious people as "objects". If you're as narrowminded and idiotic as them - The only right you have to be treated as is as an utter moron lacking the knowledge of WHY you're playing the game.

The security that being all alone in the dark sabotaged-for-normal-life room gives a guy... I swear that the guy would be shot at pointblank range with no mercy if you'd even dare to say that in the streets.

And all I can say in the end of this; While I contribute to it all, am I the only insane fool that DOES want to play the goddamn game?