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And yet again Halo 3 has to remind me of all that is wrong with the game...

In a nutshell:

- All common FPS 'anti-tactics'; Camping, spawn-killing, kill stealing and VEHICLES.
- Lag.
- Press-button voice communication.
- Achievement-whoring to a new low.
- Matchmaking that is just as broken as a shattered window.

The long story:

Halo 3's got another update. Not a mappack that puts the word 'overrated' in a overrated situation, and that is overall half-decent. Not a free-map that equals the worth of Yaris. Nothing like that... Yet. No, instead. The game recieved something only a game valued so highly by Microsoft can obtain. See, a usual game can get new achievements at some point. Expansion Packs usually involve 250 additional gamerscore to be sucked out of the game(if you didn't see the suck > whore relation here... U R phail)...

Ontop of that, you'd have to cough up a ****load of money. For something that wouldn't even last you for ten hours.

But that isn't really the deal with Halo 3's first issue, which is "Got it's ass kissed so damn much that it went from matte, to glossy.". Halo got itself the 250 additional gamerscore alright...

... And they made it appear to be 'free'. Cause, how long has it been since the Legendary Map Pack was released? And how many stubborn idiots bought it(including me)? They have the achievements set so, that they would only work if you have purchased the map pack a looong time ago, or just four hours ago. As these overly-easy to obtain achievements are set to be unlocked on specific maps. It'll take you a while before you realise that all the points are set to the DLC.

Don't get tempted by that campaign achievement... As it'll give a whopping ZERO points(Thats what GameSpot told me, haven't really checked that out myself).

Now I wouldn't be here, bashing this game like the stereotypical prick that I am if I didn't have some back-up reasons to rely on... And oh Lord, Bungie gave 'em all.

Achievement whoring. And some additional bashing to the previous one; Microsoft's precious. Even though it got dropped by Microsoft, because the Halo fame was done. I've played a bunch of matches, cause I gotta say, the achievements inspired me to play this game again. For I hate this game with a raging passion. It does a helluvalot more wrong, than it does right. But that's my opinion, right? Get your shallow ass back into the cave, I'm a troll, and a damn good one. Yathzee's right; I live underneath a bridge and hand-out business cards.

Anyway, after five matches of Big Team Battle...
...Okay, I think I just made the "Lag" issue stand out and cross itself away as DO'H. Yeah, true... Big Team Battle is like welcoming lag with open arms...

But moving on, five matches. And all five of 'em were populated by people who were trying to pursuade the rest of us to help them gain achievements. Hell, there were a bunch of kids that were underaged as all hell that were calling eachother names because they all wanted the gunner seat on the damned Warthog, while I was ordered by Chief Sergeant Pampers to drive. In the end, I just said "**** you guys", and drove them both of the cliff on the Avalanche Map.

Most statisfying team kill since Saints Row's Protect Tha Pimp *****slap-team kill.

Next match was populated by slightly more mature people, that gave up on winning after the first three seconds as they ALL wanted to get that one assassination achievement. Yeah, we lost. But I couldn't help laughing than not one managed to get the two assassinations necessary.

The funny thing is that both teams were actually populated by players that wanted to get achievements, and lose if it was necessary. Hell, I never got this many cheap kills because some wiseass was trying to do his best trying to get an assassination on me while I was shooting the hell out of him with mah battle-rifle. I got a ton of kills with the Scorpion Tank on this one "Heavy" game-mode, because all these knuckleheads we're **** on who could have the turret on the Warthog.

All in all, the achievement whores have their pleasure. (Again... If you...).
But those who actually wanna play the damn maps seriously, and don't give a damn for the achievements other than being a sort of motivation... Well, we're left in the cold. And while I can't blame Bungie for that... You'd really expect me to accept it, eh?

But, sticking with the achievements...
Not only did the game get some EXTREMELY easy-to-get achievements...
... It got a ****load of EXTREMELY easy-to-get achievements. The first game to get a extra 750 achievement points. And while 250 of the points are supposed to link to the Legendary map pack, the additional 500 are "not yet in use".

In other words, we're supposed to wait 'til we can shell out another ten bucks for a bunch of mediocre maps and get 500 easy points while bashing away in the so-called balanced online of Halo 3. Well, the balancing isn't that bad as weapon-rushes are usually a big confrontation and no-one'll get the desired weapon anyway. The thing that I hate about the weapons most is that they have the accuracy of a seizuring squirrel with braindamage.

A dude unloaded the entire magazine of a Assault Rifle at me, and only managed to take away my shields at mid-range. Knowing that assault rifles are best used at mid-range... I'd say Bungie has a very demeaning look on the future of armed combat. Fisher-Price toy guns that spray lethal peas.

Yeah... I'm way too harsh against this game. True. But, hey... It's how I feel about the game. And afterall, we all have a way of feeling about stuff. Seems like I stand in the tiny group of people that find the game a mediocre pit of issue upon issue, that bought the game out of peer-pressure(How can you trust your own mind after it got the then-highest scores?).

Oh, and it's my 500th blog on Gamespot.