Not ever since Stuntman I, a game has frustrated the hell outta me that it made me quit and give up. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare did get me this far. First time in two years. Perhaps somespoilers here, infact alot of spoilers... but I've made it all the way up to "All Ghilled Up" on Veteran Difficulty without alot of trouble.
Personally, I love that mission. Chernobyl is looking great, and it introduced me to some of the game's top notch elements. AI, tactical-gameplay and relying on your buddy to survive. That mission brings stealth to a new level, not to mention that the stealth-system of hiding in the grass/shades actually works in all missions.
By the time I reached the part where enemy helicopters bring in troops, and ambushes rise from all sides - I've tried all tactics to make it out alive. On veteran, it's common to get killed in two shots. Hell, the blast radius of a grenade's so huge, even sitting 15 feet away from it results in an instant kill.
The layout of the checkpoint's so that everytime I respawn, I place Claymores all over the place where the heli's will drop off infantry. Then I run towarths the bushes and take cover behind the dumpster sitting five yards from the three parked busses. I trow a bunch of C4 at the nine dudes running past the busses and blow them up. I run towarths the wall a bit to the right from the 3rd bus where I take cover and snipe the six incoming guys from behind the building. I also try to take out the four guys in the back behind the cars.
Then the dogs come in and well... I basicly kill them by snapping their necks. And if I do survive, Mac seems to get his neck eaten. If he does survive, all eight claymores I've set are blown up(and killed the jackasses who activated them)and infantry is hauling ass for my position just asI clear the entire area infront of me.
Meaning, if I leave cover now. I'll get killed in less than a second. And if I don't, an unlimited supply of grenades heads my way. And I only can trow so many back until they outnumber me. And if the grenades don't kill me yet;The unlimited number of soldiers now stand directly next to me.
So, I haul ass for the touring bus standing there. Hit B twice, and go prone.
The only way I can survive basicly. But, that doesn't seem to work either. Those ruskies trow like they're straight from the MLB. Grenades pelt the bus like they're snowballs. Some fly inside, some ricochet - Killing their fellow russians.
And if I do survive the endless supply of grenades. **** isn't over yet, the bullet-penetration system slaps me straight in the face. I can't see the enemies if I'm lying down on the floor in the front of the bus. They do spray the bus with bullets.
Usually, I swap the handgun with one of the dropped MP5's orAK47's... So, gives me the oppertunity to spray and pray back. I only seem to kill a few, before I get killed. I can't shoot and trow those incoming grenades back at the same time.
Mac isn't much of a help in this fight either. Infact, while he can take as many bullets as he wants - He's one of the worst snipers out on the face of the planet. The AI's great, but damn he's one lousy ally.
End of spoilers.
Yep, it's time to go back to MASS EFFECT.