Well, there's two sides to the coin. I've got a kill/death ratio of 1:1. For every kill, I'll get a death sometime. I managed to get to Level 55 yesterday, and this afternoon I maxed the exp. out. And I'm not going to Prestige. Ever. The online will entertain me alot more when I have everything, rather than replay value.
You're talking to the guy who sucked 56 hours out of True Crime: New York City. Exactly.
So, like I said. One time I get a 26 kills/4 deaths ratio on Bloc. Then the next match it turns around by 14 kills/21 deaths ratio on Crash. I've racked up a total of 5100 kills in the 1 day and 16 hours of total online playtime. At the same time, I've died 5100 times aswell.
I only play Deathmatches. Like Team Deathmatch, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, Free-for-All, Hardcore Team Deathmatch. I barely play Headquarters, Sabotage, Search and Destroy. Unless for instance Easteast decides to play it. 9 out of 10 times, the party where I'm in plays Domination or Team Deathmatch.
So, basicly. I rack up loads of deaths. Unlike many others. I gained 99% of my expirience from deathmatches. And in that time, I've completed just about all challenges. I've got blue tiger camo's for nearly half of my guns. I racked up 150 headshots with a P90, M16A2 and M4. I've got all the Beginner challenges done, and nearly all of all the other categories. Including Elite, missing four(Chainreaction by explosions kill, Call in 2 Choppers, Survive an entire match and What the ?). All done legit, over the time.
I'm not flatout bad. I guess. Still, it should be possible to die less, right?
I've got five main weapon cla.sses I've kept the same for a long time. M16A2(Last Resort)(M16A2(ACOG), Golden D-eagle, Bandolier, Double Tap, Deeper Bullet Penetration). G3/50 Cal(Best EVAR)(.50 Cal, G3(Red Dot), Bandolier, Overkill and Deeper Bullet Penetration). P90(Hated Gem)(P90(ACOG), Golden D-eagle, Bandolier, Double Tap, Increased Fire From The Hip Accuracy). RPD/M4(Just Evil)(RPD, M4(ACOG), Bandolier, Overkill, Increased Fire-from-the-hip Accuracy). W1200/M16A2(Close, nah)(W1200 Shotgun, M16A2(Silencer), Bandolier, Overkill, Deeper Bullet Penetration).
I recently started to use the .50 Cal combo with the G3 since I found out how damn good the G3 is if you can use it well. And if they decide to pull a long range on you, yank out the .50 Cal and bam. Done deal. The RPD/M4 Combo is pure evil, whenever I use that cl.ass it's mass carnage. The P90's gonna collect dust since I discovered the usefullness of the G3/.50 Combo. I barely snipe... But this changed everything.
Maybe I should refrain from my usual tactic,. The so called "How the US charged Iraq" tactic. I run in, rack up a kill or three. And die, die and die. And repeat.
Meh, consider this blog a indepth view in my Call of Duty 4 online play st.yle. There's no way you can get my stubborn mind of fragging myself.
P.S, I've suicide bombed nearly thirty players in my career. It's THE BEST WAY to kill the enemy. You get a kill, and you tear their dignity apart while you're at it. Violence is the future. Fact.