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DICE '08/IAA '08 - Epic Phailure XXL.

Start Good, End Good.

Alright, first things first. The entire Interactive Achievements Awards was a complete disaster. Specifically, a DIS-ASS-TER. The show started half an hour late. It was already 10:30PM in New York when it started, I can't imagine how that must've felt for those in Europe... So, the actual blabbing started at 11PM. Two hosts, one former GS Tim Surette and some lady called Laura Swisher from

The first thing we heard during the time that Tim interviewed, was Laura saying "Tim's stalling." over ten times. Okay, sound problem. Can happen on a live coverage. But by the time people started to get irritated by the clueless speed-talking by Laura, the "issue" was still there. Every time they went back to Tim, Laura blabbed into the microphone every time. For nearly an hour straight.

... Bad start huh?

Someone's been sipping from Grandpa's ol' cough medicine...

Well, by the time the actual show started. Sir Jay Mohr couldn't be found and we were set into another stall mode by the overly-funny Superbowl-cloned advertisements. One out of a few was actually a bit funny, but the rest were sad attempts. Five minutes later, Mohr finally came up on the stage.

And then, the ultimate epic phailure of Jay Mohr's entire career. His once-so-funny jokes now seemed like a sad attempt to make the people laugh. Hooker jokes, vagina jokes, racial jokes, Mohr's apperant love for Japan, tons of slip-ups, his mental hea... I mean, his physical health and last but not least - He tends to wreck everything. For starters, the "IAA" sign he wrecked from the sign.

Not to mention, for two hours straight he kept on saying "Man this cough medicine...". Okay, you've got some lung condition. Is it really worth showing it off as if you've tried the white-powder-in-sniff-quality version? As if you are is infested with puncture marks from needles? As if you're hiding a spoon and a Zippo?

Maybe he was really sick. Maybe he was completely wasted. Maybe he lost all his money and shot up to feel better. Maybe he O.D'ed on cough medicine. Who knows, but he completely ****ed it up. This was a complete failure.

Infact, it took the people nearly two hours to clap at Mohr! And he had to ask for it! ... Five times.

Oh, the ****ing IRONY!

Mohr referenced to some blooper he made a year ago, that's now all over YouTube and he's completely embarrased by it. I'd say this is worth being exploited like Hiltons "I need to go to jail" episode...

Sank Qu.

Okay, Ken made history. He's our Zen. But, don't deny with the slip up during Tim's interview, well two slip ups... "I am exciting!" and "I am awesome". And then topping that with Sank Q, we've got ourselfs a man with a the best English skills ever and a heroic position in the Gaming Industries. He'll be welcomed by a huge number of giggles everytime he goes up on stage.

No Hanks.

You'll lose us, tough... When you top it all by talking for 15 minutes straight. But hell, we'll forgive all of it. You most definatly deserve it all Ken. No lies.

Jay Mohr's Personal Killcount.

Jay Mohr doesn't want to do another live gaming show... Obviously. Or he just hates censorship. I do, but hey... The Killcount for Jay Mohr and two dudes who yelled in the mic as if they drank half of Vegas' alcohol.

F-word = 6
B-word = 4
S-word = 5
"Gay" in negative sense = 2
The bottom-hole Synonym = 2
Vagina-reference = 16
Male-parts(The pencil, and the gumballs) = 4
References to Japanese people = 6
"There's only three black people!" = 1
"There's a kid? Who gives a ****!" = 1

Really smooth. It was worth watching tough, atleast I can say "I was watching the biggest career flop of Mohr on LIVE TV!!!".