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Game Over ATARI in less than 250 words.

Yes. ATARI's nailing the dust. Again. Only, the INFROGAMES studio is at the local banker, explaining what the difference between 10M USD profit and 17M USD losses is. What they aren't gonna explain is this little chore list:

- 3x Failed to publish their earnings and losses to the NYSE.
- 1x CEO Running off.
- 2x Chairman "missing".
- 1x Bankrupcy Form.

Deep puddle of shame already. And the lovely response of the gamers of this day:

- 78% of comments is "Finally".
- 20% of comments is "Well, good games in the past, now they're dead. Better to see them die than to let them suffer."
- 2% of comments is "Such a damn shame."

Wrong-side-of-the-bed-much 78%? Democrat-much 20%? Side-show Bob-much 2%? Either way, here we go:

ATARI CEO: This ship is sinking...
ATARI PR: Well no s**t!?
ATARI Accountant: In technical terms; We've hit the goddamn iceberg.
ATARI CEO: *Looks around* It's every idiot for himself
*jumps ship*
ATARI PR: With what money do we pay this cruise with?
ATARI Accountant: Errr... You formiliar with the phrase "If you're goin' down, atleast be happy oncebefore you hit the bottom."
ATARI PR: Do you call "Hope Shines Shipping Service"happy times?
ATARI Director: Oh crap, there's that guy from the NYSE. Haul ass for the dinghies!
ATARI PR: This is more epic than the goddamn Titanic!
*jumps off the ship*
ATARI Accountant: Atleast Leonardo didn't hit rockbottom financial-wise too!
ATARI Director: We're going to Mexico guys. Vamos! Jack, your name is now Pedro, alright?
ATARI Accountant: This is mother****ing 1984 all over again...
*falls in the water during a flashback*
NYSE Analyst: *calls* Hey Ross... It's Game Over. And we've reached the Hiscore. 7 million in debt baby!
ATARI Accountant: *from a distance* Puta!
*waving his fists*
IRS Agent: Those guys are screwed... They're like those dudes from that movie Natural Born Killers. They should be called "Natural Born Screw Ups". 1984. 1996. 2007. Three times a charm. And those morons have hit the damn jackpot. You from the NYSE, saddle up. We're going to Taco Land.

... My imagination has hit a new low, this one requires some imagination a'ight. 8)