Aside from living the easy life... Play games all day, be a delivery guy at evening and do storage during the night. I write a helluva' lot. And with a history of around 50 blogs just about Drive or Die... I think I'm ready enough to present NY '84 and KREMLIN.
See, if you don't know me... Or just don't give a damn for my blogs... Or recently found out that I actually write blogs...
I write stories for games. I design maps/level layouts for games. I design the characters for games. And to top that off, I write the script while I am at it. And then, when the time is right... I try to sell the concept off to an developer or publisher for money, or pursuade them into making it with me.
I've blogged about Drive or Die quite alot now. And it's the one that requests the most work out of three so far. Not to mention, that Drive or Die is actually topping both NY '84 and KREMLIN in manhours. So, I've finished Drive or Die a while ago, and at the same time I worked on both NY '84 and KREMLIN to keep variety in my work.
I think it's about time I show both NY '84 and KREMLIN the daylight, and quickly discribe Drive or Die for those who don't know what the hell it is.
Drive or Die.
Drive or Die is a 3rd person free-roam action game that is set on an man-made island called the Geraldo state, 30 by 30 square miles large. Five guys, Chris Lamont, Mitchell Wilson, Frank O'Doyle, Rodger Anderson and Dylan Mahoney. They all live their own, seperate lives on Geraldo as sudden terrorism strikes every single law enforcement officer, DA, Court Judge... You name it. Starting with the sudden assassination of the state governor, Maxwell Rhodes.
By the time the entire state is sweeped clean from law personell, one man walks forward. John Vanderbilt, who then takes position as State Governor.
Lamont's brother was killed. Wilson's wife was murdered. Mahoney's father was slaughtered. Anderson's race buddy was murdered. And O'Doyle was the target of these attacks aswell. O'Doyle learned of the four guys by reading news papers, and offered them a chance where they could vengance the death of their loved ones.
By the time they know who and why it all happened. A third world war is about to begin.
And yes... It's a squad based game. You just can't issue command or such, that's why scripting AI is going to be a pain in the ass.
NY '84.
Yes, one helluva' name huh? Very original, right? Nah, I didn't think so. It's simple. And I like it. And yes, it does mean New York 1984. That's how simple it is. The game itself, like the name applies to - Is set in New York City, 1984. You'll play as Jeff Rivers, a 28 year old American-Italian who's born and raised in The Bronx, New York City.
The Rivers Family is a notorious mob crime organization, and operates in The Bronx with cocaine export, prostitution, chop shopping stolen vehicles and leeching money from corrupt NYPD officers.
It all starts in May, 1984. When Ricardo Rivers, the oldest "Made Man" in the Rivers' Family gets murdered by a rival mob. Finger pointing starts, and a blame game begins. Jeff is the "Next of kin", and has to go along with all the tasks the Don gives him. Things reach a boiling point when the Don of the Rivers Family, Francisco Rivers gets killed in a gunfight.
Then a war starts with everyone yanking eachothers hair out. The Rivers family decides to use the city scaled mob war to their advantage and hit six birds with one rock. While everyone kills eachother, the Rivers Family goes for city wide domination.
An fight with six rival mob gangs begins, and a showdown with the NYPD who start to interfear.
The game itself is going to be a level-to-level FPS. With over 35 main missions on 35 areas spread out all over New York City. With shooting parts, driving parts etc... Anything that could work in an FPS. Is implied.
This is the last one I worked on. Supposed to be an FPS set in the ultimate doom stage of war. The so called "Powergrid" scenario. Like many games do, it's when Russia decides to expand the Iron Curtain worldwide. The story starts in a different way than the USSR actually went down.
The story starts in 1992. The Iron Cuirtain still stands. And the United States never started the war in Iraq.
Instead, the US Army is currently in Israel, where an Tactical Nuke that can reach the United States from that launch centre. A big war starts at that part of the world, the United States requests help from Canada, Australia and France to secure the Israeli nukes. As two major continents send in all their units to the middle east to secure the world's peace;
The USSR invades Vancouver Island, Brittish Columbia. Muncton, New Brunswick. San Diego, California. Newport, Oregon. Long Island, New York. Bridgeport, Connecticut and Boston, Massachusetts. And sets off a full blown attack to all these cities, taking all resources and killing everything that moves.
This is where the first character will be introduced. Eric Reed. He's in the New York National Guard. And it's an FPS, the first mission involves securing and digging in at the Henry Hudson Bridge a bit south of the Bronx. And head down the roads until you can secure the Battery Tunnel on the southern tip of Manhattan.
Most American missions involve around securing major cities with minimum resources.
Then, a while after the USSR invades Australia. Which where you'll take Luitenant Ross Silverlake as your character. Most missions involve around making sure that the USSR doesn't profit from Australia, as in the script is written - "Australia is lost, we're better off helping the Yankees.".
You'll change characters off and on, until you've been through four of them. Reed of the New York National Guard, Silverlake of the Australian National Army, Campbell of the Brittish S.A.S and Walker from the United States Marine Corps.
First missions involve around securing and retreating. Further into the game you'll get a dim light, with the final chapter called "This Is How The World Ends". It's supposed to be a gritty, dark and hopeless story. Call it a mature game if you wish, I'd just say; This is how Soviet Russia could've nailed the world right down the drain. Cause they had the powers to do so, and the men agressive enough to not care for Western civilization.
The game will basicly give a run through how every country will fail. And locations are set in the United States, the United Kingdom, Western Germany, Italy, France, Spain, North Korea, Russia, the Netherlands and Australia.
Currently, I'm working on Kremlin most. Since that story requires alot of thinking to make sense, and letting four mini-stories run at the same time does it even more. Drive or Die's concept phase is done. And NY '87 is halfway through.