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More of the same can be good...

The Rainbow Six Vegas 2 update was released today, along with it all came a crapload of new A.C.E.S ranks. Now I already knew that they made it so it would automatically give all the earned XP if you had racked up enough kills for new A.C.E.S levels.

I figured it would come in a DLC package, and as I didn't see "Rainbow Six Vegas 2" under the Content tab at the Marketplace, I figured what the hell, I'll get some more kills and somewhat advance, Y'know.

As usual, the Ubisoft games are riddled with constant auto-updates. But today it was different... Somekind of huge update. Also known as the "What the hell is this sh... Oh, awesome." type o' updates.

I look at my rank, which used to be 2nd Lieutenant. Which I busted my ass wide open for to get there. Now I'm Colonel. The last rank prior to elite. And, when I started a T-Hunt with a buddy o' mine, Mr. Gearhead3000. I apperiantly am only 23000XP away from the rank I could never get to. And finally get my worthless reward, three custom camo's no-one gives a damn about. And a 30 point achievement. Another one worth five. Well, I like it... Ah, dammit.

Anyway, what I was talking about... Oh yeah, boredom. Vegas 1 had, in my case, the same problem. The game would get so boring, that even at 1st Lieutenant I felt like battering myself to death with a Tupperware box.

So, all in all...The point this blog is supposed to have, and does not contain in any way shape so far...

What Ubisoft gave is more of the same. Now, I'm not jumping a hole in the sky, but it's okay. It's good. Free, and it gives some more replayability. Puts a tiny smile on your face. Which is better than nothing, right?

Well, dammit. The point is; Such smaller updates are in my opinion, three times better than five maps which cost 10 bucks total. Or a complete expansion pack worth 30 dollar. Small update containing more of what we like, not love, like. For free.

And another thing. NeoJedi, Sir Denny. Try to form another get-together within R6V2. That was great. And now, well you've got more reason to do it again.