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NLFHR #17 & 18 - World of Warcraft and Counter Strike Source.

Been a while since I did one of these, huh? I wanted to get back at some purchased I've made, and give 'em the good ol' kick in the ass.

One being the pride and welfare of the World Society of Computer and Internet Addiction Rehabilitation Center. The other being just so damn flat-out violent, it's just simply awesome.

So again, two No Love for Hype Rules in one.

NLFHR #17 - World of Warcraft.

It all started out with me having the urge to buy Enemy Territories: Quake Wars, but ending up having this Battlechest shoved in my hands because it was "ON SALE!!!1one1".

So, installed it. And already called Texas to assure myself a place at the rehab.

Right, after a SEVEN HOUR install... I could finally begin playing. I create an account, and get *****slapped back five steps and I'm told that I must download a huge patch. So, I click Okay...

"1.4GB - Estimated time; 6 hours."

All my faith in having a blast playing sunk like the Titanic. So, after thirteen hours I could turn off my computer and could haul ass to the Airport. Monday, I resumed the quest to gain access to my ****ing character.

I hoped that after a 1.4GB patch, pretty much all patches reaching back to 1980 were installed. So, tried to access my character, again. More. Damn. Patches.

It went on for so long until I yelled "AREN'T YOU OUT OF GODDAMN BAND-AIDS YET!?".

Another hour passed, and by then I had enough patches to patch up the people from Final Destination II. I could finally play. And I was supposed to create my character, and think of some clever MMORPG name.

WoWScrnShot_060308_213531.jpg picture by NJ3DI ended up creating this ugly bastard.

And his name is Njtaylor.

And that name goes beyond the imagination and creativity of any MMORPG player in the history of Meh-mor-peh-gers. Well, it's mainly because DunkinDonuts was already taken.

Well, finally into the gameplay area of the... game. I've wandered around for a whole day. Doing the same quests, doing the same paths, doing the same stuff.

Wait. Lemme give you an insight on what you should do, if you're deciding between weed and World of Warcraft, because mommy only allows you one hit. Oh, that one was morally incorrect, huh? Hehehe.

Plan A: Buy a hundred bucks worth of reefer. Start smoking, like there's no tomorrow. You'll feel the same everytime you do it. But it gets more intense, the more you do it. Do some pot with a buddy, and suddenly it starts to become cool. And more powerfull.

Don't ask how I know.

Plan A-01: Buy World of Warcraft, and it's expansion packs for 50$. Start playing, like there's no tomorrow. You'll do the same **** every time you play, but it gets more intense. The more you play, the heavier it gets. Play with a clan, and suddenly it becomes a helluvalot more awesome. And a lot more powerfull.

Results: ... The same. Only one involves your parents hating the hell out of you. The other only involves not getting any daylight in your eyes for the next five years.

I'm not kidding. The game is the same, no matter what you do. All quests involve; Kill a number of this, and bring it back to that. Get this from A to B. I'm too frigging lazy, so I'll just ask you, Mr. You-Could-Be-A-Rapist-Stranger - Do it for me, and get a miserable reward.

Okay, I'm a little too harsh. I enjoyed playing it. But it lasted only for so long before I need a serious break from the game, and get some rapid-action.

Something with the tag line "Shoot first, ask questions later." Like Counter-Strike Source.

All in all, the game looks funny, plays painfully slow, is the same all over the place(The explanation of why I came across nearly fifty Lvl 70 players within a single day) and lacks simplicity.

I felt like I was stuck in time, and missed all the greatness while trying to advance in the game.

I like the game, but you'll have to load up the bed of my truck with reefer in order to get me addicted to it. It's the same anyway.

NLFHR #18 - Counter Strike: Source.

This game can be reviewed in under seven lines.

CCS.jpg picture by NJ3DYou pick a dude.
You pick a gun.
You start running.
You kill other dudes.
You keep on killing other dudes until you win.

And it rocks.