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The 10 topics that made GS' Off-topic forum, and my view on that...

Around a year ago I posted around in the off-topic forum quite alot. I think I've racked up 1500 posts within a three month period. Soon after that, I left that place, and never returned. The reason after that is because there's always the same talk. Religion, How can I get a girlfriend, that kind of stuff.

So, to leave the Godly place called the GameSpot Off-topic Forums behind me once and for all, I'll just have one final "opinion" fest on the main topics you see millions of in that place.

1. Religion.

To kick off with the most popular, even still today. Religion. "Are you Christian", "Are you Jewish?", "Are you an Atheist?"... I'll say it right away, If there were a big man in the sky, and a hot place down below - I'm going to hell. I've got a history of "Godammit" behind me.

The only reason why I ever go to church is either; Death/Funeral or a Wedding.

I'm a non-believer, who doesn't give a ratsass for any religious talk. If I can go to a nice, beautifull place when I die, for doing certain acts. I'd rather go and sit in a hottub with half of the Playboy mansion, and just die and see where I end up.

That, and religion is also a firestarter. Look at Israel for instance, fighting off Arabics. Catholics preaching "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS". Okay, there's just a minority of boneheads within a certain religion that drag their religion through hell and crap. But it still starts fires for the sake of thinking differently.

...I'll just stop before I go too far. Limits aren't even visible.

2. McDonald's.

There's a reason why I prefer Taco Bell, Burger King and Wendy's. I'm an overall slim fella'. Average. Been wasting my life away on fastfood, but I don't gain weight that easily. Hell, I'm considered skinny, and people even prefer it that I eat fastfood to gain a few.

Bit ever since I saw Supersize Me, I started to think differently about McDonalds. Especially after that, when the same guy did a test to show us all, how many of the "extracts" there are in the foods to keep it from molding and going bad. It's goddamn insane. I think your stumach will be doin' overtime.

I live on my own, so Mothers Kitchen is closed. Hence why I eat out six days per week. That 7th day being home delivered Pizza.

Okay, I'll be dead cause of a stroke when I'm fifty. But I enjoy life as it is. Whether I'll be dead twenty years sooner than the average guy, doesn't matter. Good guys go first. Rule of life.

3. Girlfriends.

... Unbelievable how desperate some people are. I mean, try to keep count at the topics, and the number of pages within. Maybe it's because I already have a girlfriend. Nah, I'm pretty sure because I know how stupid they are for trying, and how ignorant they are for not getting it.

First of all, looking for a girlfriend is like picking a hooker from a line-up. A match made in heaven will be a unfortunate one night stand of someone you'll hate within thirty minutes.

I know you're looking into the void... Lemme explain;

How did your parents meet up? Were they like many others, good friends for a few years until it became serious? Okay, I'm too damn Dutch for this. See, in the Netherlands, it's different. Unlike Americans, which 1-out-of-10 will divorce within a year... Dutch are campers. Friends > Lovers > Breeders > Parents > Grandparents > Stones on a Yard. Okay, not just Dutch follow that line of life. Just about all European countries.

...Which is why I'm dating a Canadian, instead of a born-and-raised American. We were friends for years, then we were lovers... Then I went into too much detail.

The point is. Look around, and **** up. Just remain it with being friends with someone you know, it can only go into the right direction that way.

By the way, as patriotic as I am, but; JESUS H. CHRIST!? Are all of you Americans swingers? Allemachtig!

See, told you. I'm too Dutch-American for this.


9/11 was a horrible event. Agreed. No doubt. I lived in New York City with my parents for roughly five months when the two towers went down, Shanksville became a crashzone and the Pentagon a massive black hole.

But what in the goodmother hell does it give you the right to doubt.

New York's icons, filled with people were taken down. And the most patriotic country on the face of this planet dares to feel betrayed by their own government.

You have the reason to ask questions. You don't have a single bit of right, to prove the government wrong, over pride. 4000+ died. Dead. Crushed by 106 floors of concrete. Average joes like you and me. And you're trying to say that they died for no other reason that being a puppet of a few dudes in a white office.

Now, I ask you; Do you even think about the dead people, when trying to prove the DEA Report wrong? Or are you making a name for yourself, cause you couldn't when Nixon did it for himself when the Watergate Scandal came to light?

I'll be frank with you; I doubted the attacks myself after a while too. "How can two towers, pancake down like that? Wouldn't the tip, seperated by the explosion fall over?". I've got no degree in Physics. But there's more Harvard and Yale degree-Physicologists proving the pancake theory wrong, than right.

But I'm talking to those YouTube stay-at-home-jobless misfits. When you remember September 11th, 2001. Do you remember this? Or do you actually feel for the people that lived in three hours of pure hell, just to die under 106 floors of concrete?

5. iPod's.

Never bought one, never will.

I got a '98 SONY CD Player in my car. And a rack full of Albums. It's just a better feel to put a huge circular disc into a tray, rather than to tap a little white thing not bigger than half my hand.

6. Anime.

...I beg your pardon?

7. Freedom of Speech.

As the people in Pakistan and Afganistan have proven after those fools from Denmark mocked their holy man - There is one, but the limit has to be accepted.

Yes, I am staring at that dip**** Geert Wilders, that Dutch politician that made a movie about the muslim being practically evil. One patriotic Dutch that brings it to a new level.

8. Current Day Politics.

I'm nineteen. Old enough to vote. But I am not going to. Why?

- Barrack Obama is promising more and more by the day, my faith vanished.
- Hillary Clinton, well... In my opinion, women can have any job they want. Just not presidency. Women and pressure are two things that collide like sweet taste and uranium.
- John McCain - Might aswell call him George W. Bush. Cause if McCain takes the throne, nothing will change.

...I'll just drive down to Philly to taste one of them Barrack and Clinton sandwitches. That's the only thing I do vote for; Decent chow.

9. Racism.

That Jena Six thing still hasn't blown past, now has it? A Caucasian dude provoked a decent war by hanging the symbol of hatred to the African American community, down a tree. He got the living hell kicked out of him, and the six African Americans got an Attempted Murder tagged to 'em.

All fairness, they all had their punishment. The guy got kicked senseless, and all six now have a record and one even sat in jail for ten months. They both paid their prices. All seven of 'em.

Okay, the six got one harsh punishment. No denying that. But don't forget that first K.O-ing a guy, and THEN beating the **** out of him, pushes it up a notch.

... The fact that one was white, and the rest was black, and to call it racism that they kicked eachother ****less on a schoolyard - Is just overreacting. It wasn't pointless, unlike Rodney King's beatdown. The white kid provoked it, and the black guys reacted. Both had reasons to be angry. Tough, I'm wondering why the fella' himself only had to show infront of a board for doing such a hatefull thing?

10. ... I'm getting back to Six.

No really...

And that's it. No more Off-topic for me. Ever.