After three days of being verbally attacked, and learned how to use the word "b****" in atleast twenty new ways... I had enough of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The fact that someone gave me props for using a shotgun kepts me playing for an additional three hours today:
"Oh you were the one that kept blasting people away with the shotgun last round? That's cool, y'know. I prefer people killing up close and personal. Requires more skill than just sitting away, clicking a button and one-hit-killing people. Exactly why I hate snipers."
Nice fella'. It's making me feel so good about myself just knowing that I blasted peoples faces away with shotguns. 49 headshots, baby! With a damn shotgun! If Call of Duty 4 was real life, they wouldn't have any heads anymore. One more brain-boom and I got myself a shotgun with Blue-frickin'-Tiger.
It's a helluvalot more effective that I already thought it was.
Anyway, the title. Five things I hate about Call of Duty 4's online. Now, don't get me wrong. I love the game. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten 9000+ kills before saying "I hate it", right? No, while I adore the game. There's five things that I disgust with my hell inspirated soul and flesh.
Starting with number five:
5. Dragunov Sniper Rifle.
There's a reason why the most deaths I recieve from sniper bullets are shot from the Spetsnaz Dragunov .50 Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle. And that's because it's so damn accurate. It's got a rough-cut wooden recoil stick that wouldn't allow the gunner to fire a second bullet at 90% accuracy.
Infact, if the dude misses the first shot. If he fires a second within two seconds, that thing will either miss me by six miles, or digg into the ground five feet from the damn rifle.
There's also a reason why the thing got abandoned by Russian snipers soon after the Curtain fell. That's because the Barrett .50 Cal fires a bullet at pencil-dot accuracy with hallow-tip bullets, without a helluvalot of recoil.
Back to the point, the Dragunov is so lightweight, the user should get a recoil of a seizuring rat when firing two direct shots. And usually, they impale my hallow skull, between the eyes, and killing me. Totally not going according plan.
4. Matching up and Ranking.
Half of the time, when there's twelve players in the room. I get teamed up with all the Level 45/55 guys, while the other team has one or two first-Prestige Level 40's, along with a number of Level 20's. I got no complaining when I got the experienced players on my side.
But sometimes the odds turn around, placing me with unexperienced players, while the other team profits of having nearly six two-day-total-plus players.
What suprises me with this one is: How hard is it to equal it out?
3. Mute-Players.
For as far as I know, you can't mute them annoying sons of b****es in the Lobby. So if you mute them ingame, they can simply continue whining after.
2. M9, Mk.22, and other Military Personnel Pistols.
I'm wearing enough armor to withstand bursts of M16A4 bullets. And yet, if a guy shoots me in the chest with an M9 Pistol twice. I die. The reason why I hate pistols is that they are supposed to be like this:
"Aim for the head if you want to kill with your side arm. Aiming at limbs, will only cause you to lie in that wooden casket of yours sooner than you ever expected."
Pistols are great weapons. Ofcourse they are. But, you're either playing as the elite special operations forces from all over the world. They're packed with body armor. The only way a guy could kill me with his side arm would be if he aimed at my legs or face.
Otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to kill me with his first 11-bullet magazine.
Ofcourse, the Desert Eagle can penetrate armor like butter. But a silenced M9 pistol. That just can't penetrate armor when I'm atleast 20 feet away from the guy. Headshots, the best gun you can have then is a pistol. Two-shots-in-the-chest-equals-kill... Bull****.
1. M-for-Mother****er?
For crying out loud, it's unbelievable how many times I came across someone who's born after 1996. Playing the game, ordering me and others around like Chief Sergeant Pampers. I can live with tons of 13-year-olds playing, for as long as they shut the **** up and play the game like us.
Either go watch porn, or go back to Halo 3 where you came from.