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The most detailed responses dedicated against the System Wars.

"Buy a console, plug it in, play a disk, sit your ass down and play - Furthermost, shut the hell up."
- Unknown.

"Tape an Wii remote on a X360, and tape the X360 on the PS3. Heavy weight championship, takes care of anything."
- Darrel.

"The System wars can only be won in one way. This time, we nuke China instead."
- GTA~for~l1fe

"WiiPS360 - 'Nuff said."
- Unknown.

"We all live in war now. First live wars, now system wars - Become a goddamn hippie and shut up."
- Unknown.

"If you hate a console, you seriously need to get out more often."
- FFXmaster08

"It's all about specs, right? They all play games, they all spin disks and they all make you happy. What do you want more?"
- Unknown.

"Oh just go to EB, grab a brick, walk inside, close your eyes, trow the brick at one of the console displays. Which one get's nailed is what you're gonna buy."
- Unknown.

"Stop whining. It's your father or mother who's gonna buy it anyway."
- Purplesaint402.

"If you think boomerang controllers were nuts, they're actually waving with remote controls. Reminds me of the eightees."
- Stewardcolbert2K7

"All in all, Microsoft are leeches, SONY is the king at craptastic marketing strategies and Nintendo gave us Anti-LCD projectiles as controllers - For as far as it goes; You're better off playing PC games."
- Unknown.

"The Bush council has affected the System Wars. Greatly. You know why? None of the actual consoles is winning!"
- Unknown.

Aye, I love the neutral responses towarths the System Wars. Best quote 'till today:
"The Bush council has affected the System Wars, greatly. You know why? None of the actual consoles is winning!"