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The No Love for Hype Rule: Call of Duty 4: MW, Crysis and Army of Two. Sorta.

The blog that lives up in the spirit of slamdunking the good bits of the game, and brooming the bad bits back together. Starting off with a good counterargument brought by nweasel on Assassin's Creed. The game brings new stuff to the table. True. Lemme break it to shards; In my case, once I was halfway through - It felt like it was copied from the stoneage.

But, I can go on and on about how much I didn't like Assassin's Creed in the long run...

I've got three games to crack down on. I'm shoving the good bits aside, and break down on how much bad stuff there is in a game that's supposed to be God. Starting with:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

I shall not shove three massive good points of Call of Duty 4 aside. Which are;

A - The gunplay in this game is beyond perfect. It's almost as if you are shooting an rifle in real. I've tried alot of rifles on gun ranges, and this game gets as close as it can at simulating a gun.
B - The game's online is twice as good as Halo 3. It's got weapon customization, everything from basic Death Match to Sabotage. And it also has the old school hyper-active ragdoll & gun-pick up from older FPS games. Along with Hardcore Deatchmatch, which is twice as difficult as a normal Deathmatch(no HUD, more damaging weapons and friendly fire on).
C - While the game's shorter than short. I've never played something so intense, and so chaotic in my life. That's why the sudden ending feels like a pimp slap with a yell "SEEEQUEEEELLLLL!".

But, right now... Bashing time. With the first thing anyone just can't like; The short single player.
It's 6-8 hours long. With two factions. SAS and USMC. While the USMC, like usual... Has to wave the flag of "WE SHALL WIN!". The SAS is the crapsweeper on the background. I actually liked that the Brittish weren't set in such a stereotypical light.

But there's two things about them SAS-er's that just made me wonder wether they ran off from Drug Rehab;

Price's 'stache which is so stolen from 1911 Captains.
The team's temper. *picks up a cellphone, and headshots the guy sitting in a chair*. Hah. Stereotypes.

The USMC on the other hand. Well, the game simulates a great deal of how we're doing in Iraq. Which goes completely head on into the stoneold promise that every single developer would let Americans win. Cause we havn't won a single damn war since the Normandy Breakout.

Okay, so the SAS are pictured as a bunch of hotheaded dudes who apperiantly disgust the idea of a razor, or being in 2008. The USMC gets an ACCESS DENIED on winning another war. And there's no happy ever after in this game either.

7 hours of "JACKSON! GET YOUR ASS UP ON THE HILL!". 7 hours of endless 'staches. 7 hours of pure golden dialogue by cheesy Brits. And the best annoying dialogue during one mission. Yes, that can be achieved. "We've got a runner. Hotdamn! You gonna get him? Nice. Is shot! We've got a runner. Gun ready! Hotdamn!".

The Multiplayer should go on without much words. The balancing is so well done, that when you start, you already have some of the finest weapons. There are no big and major advantages and such when you improve ranks. Tons of guns you can unlock. And the killing spree's are rewarded like they should.

Aside from the game being so damn short, and the ending being so... Well, not to make a spoiler - Harsh. The game can't be cracked down on. It's hype was paying off.

This is a sad day for me, Infinity Ward has beaten me.

G.S: 9.0
BDR: 9.5

Oi, Suzy!


Another shooter.

The complete opposite of Call of Duty 4. The game focuses on SP, as it should. I won't go on and on about the graphics. We all know, they are the best you can get. I know. You know. We all know. So, skipping all the good bits. Straight to the bad.

The game's plot's kinda shabby. You're going in with the USMC, Navy Seals, a bunch of badass dudes in high-tech suits, half of the US F-16's and a crapload of aircraft carriers. You've got half of the US Army standing right outside of Korea.

What does the enemy have? ... Yakkie-sakkie, rusty Anti-Air platoons and a bunch of AK's.

While you're bulldozing the Koreans with all force you can imagine. The balancing is done with seventeen elephants standing in for the US side, and a small monkey filling in for the Koreans. What did Crytek do to fix this issue? Well, your Nanosuit's aborbs bullets like a sponge and you bleed like a slit wrist.

Yah, Fission Mailed!

Okay, since you're basicly God. Your PC ain't. It will cough up blood. And if you'd like a PC that doesn't suffer from the inhumane treatment of Crysis; You'll have to sell your soul on eBay will you waste a buck on a cube with green plates in it.

What else can I say about this game that isn't good? Tons. First off; I lol'd the first time I saw Psycho. He's the worst, and crappiest immitation of a Brit I've seen in my life. It's so underpreformed that it's priceless and you wanna snatch a bag of popcorn while you're at it. Second is; The way Crysis uses it's surroundings. Crytek had all oppertunity to give the game some more travelling.

Instead, they marked everything off with a road-to-road connection as if you're on the Interstate System here in the U.S.

The third is: Vehicles.

The way Crysis portray's vehicles is a pile of C4, gasoline and matches on four wheels. If your last resort would've been speeding away from the scene. You're better off chucking a grenade between your feet. They handle pretty well, tough. But collision detection and worst of all damage-systems, they are to say the least - ****ed up. Have you ever driven a vehicle that is seen as a bulletsponge with a nuclear bomb as engine? The thing says boom after five seconds of bullets.

Fourth is: AI.

Maybe it's just to giggle around with the Koreans. But I'll bet they aren't a bunch of dumb****s who thought they walked into the Cookie store but ended up in the Army. They run around like headless chickens, take cover behind destroyed objects and flee at walking speed.

Better yet, I can easily say that the AI of the actual chickens in the game is better than the AI of the Koreans.

Fifth is: Story and Freedom.

While you're getting the hang of the game, you're given just about as much freedom as you get in GTA. By the time you actually play like it should be played; Your freedom is taken away like a crying child from his mother. By the time you run into the alien-thing-dudes, you'll walk linear paths even a blind man can't get lost on.

The multiplayer is pure carnage. But misses Team Deathmatch. I've managed to make a Team Deathmatch by screwing the idea of Power Struggle over and yank out the DM element from that. Sadly, the Crytek crew didn't felt like completing a two hour job.

All in all, it's storyline is pretty long. Not all that long, but long enough to be forgivable when it ends. Freedom gets taken hostage after you run into the squid-thing-alien-somethings. The AI takes the meaning from "Dumbass" and merges it with Retard in a negative way. And the MP is half finished.

Crytek is forgiven thanks to the Sandbox 2 Editor that allows us to solve the problems ourselfs, tough. I'm not too lazy to fix their issues.

G.S: 9.5
BDR: 9.0

Army of Two.

I uhh... Managed to buy an NTSC region copy, which is perfectly normal. But for some reason it's got (EU) at the end and disallows me to play with no-one else but Europeans. Called EA and they didn't even knew what I was talking about.

I already went through the single player story three times now. And I'm gonna exchange it for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 at the end of the month. Since they don't want to give me my cash back, the only thing I can do is exchange it for something that isn't flawed, restriced and something that doesn't make me feel like EA's trying to re-create Nazi Germany with locale's and regions.

Expect me to get back at it as soon as I'm tired of it. That'll be... Tuesday.

G.S: Delayed 'til Kingdom Come...
BDR: Dissapointed in EA's masterpiece...phailure...middle-something.