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The perfect game? Where the **** is it?

After completing Just Cause, it just came up to me. The thought of why do all games have a extremely bad feature, and with "feature" I'm trying to say, main things like shooting, driving, map layout and such. But, in return they have one of the best features, which in Just Cause's case is the large map. Lotta exploring.

Grand Theft Auto never had ragdoll, but had one of the most entertaining storylines.
Saints Row had the uninteresting storyline, but had the best gunplay.
The Getaway had the most gray and dulled out overall feel, but had real-life vehicle makes.
True Crime had the most glitches and wacky physics, but had the best feel of a city.
Just Cause had the most idiotic gunplay, but had a massive island to screw around on.
Crackdown lacked next-gen graphics, aswell as a story, but had the best overall sounds ingame.
Driver never had a actual playing purpose, but always had the best physics. Far ahead of any other.

It's always something.

Well, my favorite genre is the action thing with the free-as-a-bird purpose tied to it.I do know it's the same story with FPS' and other genres. There never been a perfect game. How the hell Tony Hawks' game managed to get a 10 by GameSpot, I think a bribe but still. There never has been a single perfect game.

Developers of this day only think of one thing while creating their game. Income. Therefor, bug checks get rushed. The most ideas developers had get trown in the bin, while a select and overall the most entertaining will stay alive and get in the game. Why? Cause money doesn't wait. They don't give a damn, unless their sales drop, they couldn't care any less.

They don't pay attention to critics, unlike film producers like Stone, Tarrentino and Spielburg. They pay attention to the income. Hell even if the game gets a 4.6, the only thing they will pay attention to is the United States Dollar(USD) sign. That thing is God. and Satan in one. Cause it makes dreams, and breaks reality.

That's the reason why only a select, and I do mean SELECT group of games get a rating of 9.3 or higher. If "Replayability" was a reason to adjust the score. If "Replayability" was a "judge" aswell, games would have gotten a 7.0 maximum. Barely any games have any replayability, online or no online. You'd say, that no freedom cuts a big slice away from the slider. True, but let's give another reason a chance:

"Marketing Strategies."

This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. If you're rich, and buy a big Mercedes Benz. A big 500 SEC. Those things don't last forever, and if you wanna make it equal to a game; You'll have to drive thatcar five hours a day, on predetermined routes. After a week, when I tie you up and connect you to a lie detector, I will ask "Do you still enjoy the car as much as you did on the first and second day?". Your awnser will be "Yes". That's your mind speaking for you, cause you've wasted a ****load of money, and do not wanna appear dissapointed.

The lie detector will inmediatly scratch major lines, meaning your actual awnser was "No."

How can you fix this little disapointment? Buy a new Mercedes, a huge 500SL convertible. And the whole thing restarts from the point when you bought the 500SEC.

What I am trying to say with this little story is, when you buy a game like Need For Speed: Most Wanted. Racers, just like FPS' have already a short replayability. After a few weeks, you've completed the whole game, and feel extremely bored. You buy Need For Speed: Carbon. Why? Cause you like the genre, and want something new. Quick-money for the developers, a quick-sniff-o'-game for the player.

The point is: This, and the "Hurry-the-effin'-hell-up" boss-around of the developers creates the world without the perfect game. We'll just have to do with what's currently the best, and on my favorite genre's turf that's currently Grand Theft Auto. Which is great, but not perfect either.

What if the developers would say "Screw that time limit. If we wanna make a little goldmine of perfectness, we'll have to take our time.". That's when a good game comes out. But, from what I see with those games we're getting from those amateurs, that'll never happen.
