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Three Steps to Fix "*darth vader breath* Behi... *dark vader breath* You!&q

I'll admit, my Dutch accent with the deep S-tones and the hard-to-prenounce T's... I'm not that easy to understand. But hotdamn some people like to raise the bar. Really, how hard is it to ADJUST your headset, when it's fully adjustable? Still, some people like to have something in their mouths all the time, others like to breath on the thing like he's from the Star Wars movie set.

So, dedicated to them:

1. - A Microsoft XboxLive Headset is NOT a chewtoy.
Okay, some are naturally nervous like he's Frasier Crane, others have Doggie instincts. But, it's just common sense. You don't suck on your microphone, it cannot be eaten. It's not a chewtoy. It's not something you lick on. It's not something you disrupt your natural sense for food with. It's not something you use as alternative for blow-jobs.

The recorder-part doesn't belong INSIDE your mouth. Infront of your mouth. Is it that hard? Your tounge makes interesting sounds, ofcourse... Hell, Call Discovery, you might have a documentary right overthere. But really, you talk into that part. Not lick. You talk into that thing for atleast 0.5". Not MINUS 0.5".

Mkay? You ain't a dogg, nor are you about to have a nervous breakdown. Keep that thing out of your mouth, makes talking easier...
Side note: I am heavily exaggerating this, as people are like ... Us, IGNORANT.

2. - That same thing made by them leeches is also NOT a "Darth Vader Immitation Toy".
No need to go deep. Keep that thing at the height of your nose. If you use that voice along with "Luke, I am your father.", I'll happily yell "NOOOOO!" with epic voice casting. If not, GTFO.

3. - Don't be offended if someone doesn't understand you. Mkay?
Negative Repping after someone said "Dude, I have no ****ing idea of what your Darth Vader-ing up, get that thing outta your goddamn mouth!" is inexcusable, Agent.
It's like a crappy telephone. Things are quickly misunderstood. And things always stay hard to understand unless someone commented on it. Mkay? HE'S HELPING YOU OUT!