... I can die a happy man now. There's only one game in my video game history that was so simple yet so entertaining. And that's Vigilante 8. I've got the casette for the N64, and the disk version for the PS1. Activision announced Vigilante 8 for XBLA about a day ago.
It's been eight years since I've played the game. I had hopes for it to make a return, but car combat died in video gaming and so did Vigilante and Twisted Metal.
What I loved about Vigilante was it's use of less arcadey-manners. Ofcourse, not getting one step off it's original meaning. Picking up guns and shoot cars. It would set you in an arena that would be considered something taken straight from America. All looking fine, no big desctruction. Unlike Twisted Metal, everything felt humane and you were shoved inthere along with seven others to blow everything up, including them.
The cars were more daily too. The regular daily stuff. Schoolbusses, Dodge vans, pick up trucks, muscle cars. Unlike Twisted Metal, who's car base existed on mangled wrecks held together by replacement parts that got stolen from metal objects, driven by insane murderers.
Speaking of drivers, the "purpose" of Vigilante was the fight between Vigilantes and Coyote's. The storyline was like the formula would suggest - Enter an arena as Vigilante, blow up the Coyote and snatch their car as reward. But the Deathmatch is where it's really shined like a gem. And now with Xbox LIVE 8-in-1-out support it's going to rock. Period.
Seriously, the only thing that can top this is Goldeneye for Xbox LIVE Arcade. Which's chances are in our favor, RARE's owned by Microsoft. The Bond License of 007 Goldeneye was bought and was property of RARE, and Microsoft purchased RARE with all belonging grounds.
Well, fingers remain crossed.