I think I just cheated one of the hardest missions in the game of Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. With cheated, I mean I glitched. Without me knowing, I just... won. Y'know, if I really cheated... I wasn't here snitching out on myself, sir. smartass.
Spoilers? Sorry, this is the obvious warning. I refuse to let my blog be eaten by aBBcode Spoiler tag, if you have your game spoiled. Too baddude, this is the warning. And if you're whining, I will redirect you to this message again; One last statement if I did spoil your game; Sorry, but frankly I don't give a****. ;)
Well, if you ever have played the game, and advanced far into the NOD Storyline. There's two of the most difficult missions in the game; Act V - Operation Stilletto(M3) and Act V - Kane's Tower(M4/Finale).
In "Operation Stilletto", you're left behind in Italy. A so called Red-Zone, which is dangerously infected with the Tiberium ichor. That makes the area too dangerous to live in. At the beginning of the mission; You have a few Shadow Teams, which are stealthed dudes that can hover around the sky, land and use explosives to blow buildings up. You also get a single Commander, which is the strongest infantry. But then again, useless against anything else but infantry. And a few Hero leveled Saboteurs, a fancy dark name for Engineers. They can take control of buildings, yada yada yada...
Anyway, this mission is a pain in the ass, cause you need to be; A, remain stealthy at all times otherwise your base will be run over like snow melts from the sun. B, GDI is extremely tough in this mission and can take out the Scrin invader base within a minute with those Mammoth tanks. The main objective in this mission is to CAPTURE both GDI bases, and Scrin bases WHILE remaining stealthy and keeping a low profile.
After about 20 restarts, I managed to finish that one and inmediatly went to take on the final mission for Kane - NOD, Act V - M4 - Finale: Kane's Tower. The hardest, and most frustrating mission in the whole game many claim. I agree... This goddamn missions' been a S.O.B ever since I first started it. The point in this mission is defending three structures that are building large Scrin Towers, which suck Tiberium ichor straight from the ground and mass produces objects, buildings, vehicles and infantry. As it's pretty much impossible to destroy the tower when under construction, GDI is using every damn thing got in their hands to stop the Scrin aliens from completing this tower.
As GDI has prevented more than 23 towers from being completed, GDI figured this one would be a cake walk too. Massive weapons, just let 'em roll on in. But, you've got to stop this. With limited resources for weapons; It's going to be hard preventing GDI from steamrolling Scrin.
But before I'm basicly saying the complete story of the last missions, what I did was getting my ass mauled. Badly. I've been hit twice by Scrin superweapons, once by GDI. Only one Generator was left, and was almost destroyed. GDI was 90% whiped out, and I only had three Avatars, a stealth Tank, a Commander and three Flame Tanks left. Building wise, before the end of the mission Scrin(who I am supposed to defend, the a-hole), whiped my complete base off the face of the earth aside from a few Power Plants and a Tech Centre.
Basicly, I lost. I was about to turn my Xbox off, but before I did so; "Victorious!". I said to myself "What in the hell....."while chatting to the dude who I've had the F-word Fest with. As I looked at the objectives; "Defend Alien Phase Generators - X", "Destroy GDI Bases - X", "Bonus: Capture 3 Juggernauts - " and "Bonus: Destroy Ion Cannon Control Centres -
As you can see, I appear to have failed both main objectives. STILL, I unlocked the Scrin Campaign, aswell as two achievements worth 100G all together. All I can give this is a big, fat and huge "What the ****?".