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... When you've got tons of spare time, and no life whatsoever;

You live the life I live.

You spell "Screw You DeNiro" in cocktail nuts while watching HEAT.
You "accidently" knock over a can of Pepsi over someone's lap while watching Indy IV.
You wonder oftenly if you'll respawn if you die. With full health and weapons remaining.
You go to work, and even there you're doing nothing.
You sit on your ass all day, and don't gain an ounce of weight.

Ah well, it's a good life. In a way.

Hell, I've got even more free time than that. I only work six hours a day. Here's the stuff I've been keeping myself busy with... For two days.


A whole custom complex that only features indoor combat. At night time. All in all, this one's gonna be huge. But it's a time taker. Seriously, making everything yourself is quite the damn task in Crysis. I even had to create the goddamn stairs!

But in the end - The first indoors-only map within the game. :D

Six Screenshots, all leading to bigger versions.
Facility001-1.jpg picture by NJ3D Facility002-1.jpg picture by NJ3D
Facility003-1.jpg picture by NJ3D
Facility004-1.jpg picture by NJ3D
Facility005-1.jpg picture by NJ3D Facility006-1.jpg picture by NJ3D

Half-Life Deathmatch Mod:
Half way done scripting the insane physics Half Life has. That and seeing as Half Life's been blatantly ripped off by Halo 3 and became a success - It can't go wrong in Crysis, can it now?

All in all, I'm working on the jumping, running speed, a crowbar and a gravity gun. The gravity gun will be visible as unarmed, pretty much. The only thing Crytek didn't work into the editor is an feature to import scripts and models for new weapons.

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars:

Urban Combat:
Started yesterday, I couldn't find ANY maps that work a bit like World in Conflict, so I started making my own. A map where infantry and aircraft collide. Ofcourse you can use vehicles, and the like. They'll only be able to navigate through the streets tough.

Also seeing as the map is quite dense; It would require you to expand.

Two screenshots, also leading to bigger versions. And as with the Crysis map, I started yesterday Y'know - Hence why it's a bit empty.
CC3_editor1-1.jpg picture by NJ3D CC3_editor2-1.jpg picture by NJ3D

World in Conflict:

Highway Redux:
Oh yeah... Interstate 76, baby!
CTS_wic001-1.jpg picture by NJ3D CTS_wic002-1.jpg picture by NJ3D

I write stories and game concepts with great detail, and I design maps with great detail. Man I'd hate it if I have choose between either one careers. Lead Story Design, or Map Design. I love doin' both.