Yeah I remember a friend telling me that he wanted electricity to be a free service. My guess is that the general population would have been thrilled, while many economists and politicians were upset over a missed opportunity to monetize a service. Alternatively, they probably would have just taxed the people in the same way they collect money for roads, schools, healthcare (in Canada and elsewhere), etc.
I 100% agree with you. My knowledge on Tesla is lacking, but I've been told that he was cheated by businessmen. I believe the FBI admitted to stealing his research from his hotel room at some point as well. Last year I was in a Museum of Technology in Munich and his identity is totally omitted from the Electrical sector, while names like Edison are praised. Tesla was certainly far beyond his time.
Looks awesome, but I still can't get over the fact that Square isn't bringing this to Vita. Maybe resolve the licensing issue and remaster Crisis Core as well. One can dream....
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