As my title says I will starting out this year very strong! I am starting out the year both moving forward and taking a trip into the past. I can't wait to try out many of this years newest selections. I will be starting with the 2 most (in my opinion) anticipated games of 2010, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and the infamous Fallout New Vegas!
I will also be playing the very games that defined a large part of my childhood. Everybody loves him. Give a big round of applause for Sonic The Hedgehog!!! (or not) I will be following sonic on his newest adventure Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 while also reliving on of my favorite games of all time Sonic Adventure!!!!
Finally i will be playing the games that started it all (no not pong and space invaders). I will be playing some of the games that defined the rpg world, Suikoden, Final fantasy 1 and 2, and Final Fantasy Tactics.
What a great way to start out the year, don't you agree! :D