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Playing FFVIII....again!

I am such a LOSER! I have already played and won Final Fantasy VIII. I have since added to my collection VII, IX, and X. But will I play them? Noooo.

I tried VII (sigh), can't do it. I can't look at the graphics, having already experienced the open spaces and beauty of VIII to back up and look at those puffy cartoon people. I can't! And forget trying to work out Materia (whatever that it...). Nope. I simply had to put it down. There was no fun. It was frustrating.

So, then I tried IX. Does that kid actually have a TAIL! Okay. There is something VERY wrong with that. (Guess anyone can tell that I am NOT into DBZ - Shame that...I heard the storyline was actually pretty good. Anywhoooo). One would think that I could get over the tail. I mean, ICO had horns. I LOVE ICO! (sigh) Guess I will just have to set it aside and try again later.

On to X. Wow. The opening scene made my mouth fall open. I played a little bit. It looks good. But then I went and picked up the Strategy guide and my head started to hurt. I only have a month off until my next class starts. There is NO way in Hades that I am going to be able to get into this world the way that I want to. (groan) put it aside and get back to it.

So what am I doing? Duh. I am playing VIII again. What. A. Loser.

I love my kids. I am collecting 100 of every spell I can get my hands on. I just acquired Siren, and I am getting ready to head back into the Fire Cavern with Squall, Zell, and Selphie to make some Cards out of the Bombs.

Yeah. I'm a loser. But at least I am having fun. ^_^